some late summer
By Sanbaz

17 Oct, 2009
had a few probs uploading this , messed about till i didnt know where i was with it, so picture smaller than i expected , never mind lol
Comments on this photo
hi louise, yes still some out there, mind you its not to bad a weather at the moment so that helps,
i just couldnt get the size right on this one, the first was to big wouldnt let me upload to GOY so went to make it slightly smaller but took to much lol, you should have a dab at it :o)
17 Oct, 2009
Oh god, i'd be hopeless San :-/
I don't have that kind of technical brain :-/
17 Oct, 2009
Wonderful colours there still left in your garden very pretty nice collage.
17 Oct, 2009
Louise i have'nt a clue how they do it. Sandra i would'nt know how to even start it, like Louise my brains not gear'd up for all this technical stuff.
17 Oct, 2009
lol louise :o))
morgana yes some of these still left, i think it looks more colourfull as ive put more saturation in pics and being close together seems alot of colour if you know what io mean :o))
17 Oct, 2009
hi carol oops we must have sent at the same time sorry, its not to hard really even though i did mess about a bit today lol
17 Oct, 2009
Sandra think i'll give that a miss, just enjoy all yours and others photos.
17 Oct, 2009
okidoki carol lol
17 Oct, 2009
It still looks very pretty Sandra , despite not doing what you wanted it to well done ....:o)
17 Oct, 2009
cheers amy ;o))
17 Oct, 2009
Very pretty Sandra ....
17 Oct, 2009
thankyou janette ;o)
17 Oct, 2009
It looks lovely Sandra typical Late Summer collage, I have been playing around on Picasa making a birthday Collage for Robin and one for my Great Nephew who was five this week, its absorbing but also can be frusirating too!
17 Oct, 2009
thats a lovely idea carole, do you print them off or just send via email, it can be frustarting i agree
18 Oct, 2009
Fabulous Sandra.your are getting quite an expert..who long does it take you?
18 Oct, 2009
thanx deida if im on form and thinking straight which i wasnt with this one, i kept forgetting what to do with size to be able to upload on here, anyway in the end i got it a little smaller than i wanted so took a while, ablout half an hour i would say, its getting the pics youi want out of differant folders i cant grasp lol
18 Oct, 2009
I like to have a go at is picasa 3 ? and is it free?
18 Oct, 2009
yes and yas deida lol good luck, it is fun when you find your way round, when you go to your pictures you will see it will have picassa 3 folder after you install, so its easy then to upload as usual onto here,
18 Oct, 2009
looks great, loads of colour there.
18 Oct, 2009
cheers user... i altered the saturation in colopur which makes it brighter, more floresent if you know what i mean :o)) cheating really lol, it just gives a good affect
18 Oct, 2009
Thanks Sandra
18 Oct, 2009
Sandra just done some of Robin's party and printed them out look relly good, going to frame them for his house. The thing I find most frustrating is doesnt matter how many timesyou shuffle your picture can never get the one I want in the right place, would be better if you could drag them!
18 Oct, 2009
sounds great carole im sure robin will be thrilled with them, and yes would be good to be able to drag them, but at least you can choose which goes in the centre which i like, :o))
18 Oct, 2009
Its the Mosaics that I find the most prob;ems with !
18 Oct, 2009
is that what i do the mosaics with centre pics, cant rememeber now lol
18 Oct, 2009
I think Sandra the mosaics are the the layout with 2 main pictures and others at random, but shouldnt complain its a great site and the results are fantastic!
18 Oct, 2009
yes it is great carole, better than just the windows gallery :o)
18 Oct, 2009
Sandra send me your email address and I will send you some examples of what Ive done"
18 Oct, 2009
ok carole will do ;o)
19 Oct, 2009
22 Oct, 2009
cheers pip :o)
22 Oct, 2009
That's lovely Sandra, so pretty and colourful. They look fab when they're full screen size don't they but don't have the same impact in GoY size. I asked P and A if the pics could be bigger on here but it was a maybe/sometime answer :o((
PP you can drag them where you want if you use the first layout option(where the pics lay in a random pile) and also rotate and change size - Ian told me this
Louise, if I can do it ANYONE can (as long as they have hours to spare!)
23 Oct, 2009
thankyou lily i do like this one and do look alot better in full screen,:o)) im still getting aroung it really and i soon forget what ive done, just cant keep it all in my head lol
23 Oct, 2009
LOL Me too Sandra, I get the finished result in the end (usually) but then when I try and do it again, I can't remember either! :o(( I think it's gradually sinking in though. It's shame there are no instructions with it, or if there are, I haven't found them yet! I found the retouch thing great for removing my neighbours TV aerial from a sky shot.
23 Oct, 2009
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You've still got loads of colour too :-)
As for the collage it looks lovely.
I wouldn't even know where to start to do one and would be at it for days, getting more and more cross !
17 Oct, 2009