By Sanbaz

15 Oct, 2009
this morning in the garden, more pics in my blog if you would like to see him :o))
Comments on this photo
cheers suey, glad you enjoyed seeing him ;o))
15 Oct, 2009
Fantastic pic. Sandra... will catch the blog later. :o)
15 Oct, 2009
thanx Terra :o))
15 Oct, 2009
Fantastic picture Sandra not sen mine for weeks now!
15 Oct, 2009
hope he comes back for you carole, so nice to have differant birds in the garden isnt it :o)
15 Oct, 2009
Great shot Sandra cute little face he has.:o)
15 Oct, 2009
cheers morgana, its made my day :o)))
15 Oct, 2009
:o) I bet it has not only have you seen your little woody and captured him, you can now can prove you were not seeing things lol :o)
15 Oct, 2009
Well caught Sandra , you are so lucky having this in your garden and having your camera ready when it came ..........I'll go to the blog now !
15 Oct, 2009
thanx amy sheer luck yes, if i was well would have been at work :o)
baz was made up seeing the pics morgana, wished he had seen him with me
15 Oct, 2009
;o) maybe he ll come again when he is there.
15 Oct, 2009
hope so :o))
15 Oct, 2009
15 Oct, 2009
Great photo, can tell you live just that little bit out of town, no chance of getting them here.:o))
15 Oct, 2009
thanx carol yes being closer to a bit of countryside, we get alot of people taking pics of birds at the end of chain lane, its a bit like a mere so in summer alot of differant birds come carol
15 Oct, 2009
Bit its great then in summer.
15 Oct, 2009
only trouble is carol you have to have a really good zoom on camera or binockulars oops cant spell that lol, they stand at the road and take pics across the fields so cant see by just looking,
15 Oct, 2009
Thats it then nogood us lot going is there.
15 Oct, 2009
nope dont think there is a walk way carol, never seen anyone walking there, but its surpose to be nice near the caravan park, marton mere, nice walkway through there, i didnt get chance this summer but i will next year i hope
15 Oct, 2009
Fingers crossed, we get a nice summer, its that long since we had one forgot what a summer's like :o)))
15 Oct, 2009
me to carol, going for a little rest now, tired, will catch up later and dont worry about the plants ok :o)
15 Oct, 2009
Thinking of it worrying wont get them here any quicker, see you later.
15 Oct, 2009
How lovely Sandra, it looks like a young one as his chest is a bit grey. I havent seen ours for a while, they always head for the fat balls.
15 Oct, 2009
thanx dawn it was a lovely surprise to see him, i will get some more fat balls, baz forgot them sshhhhhhh lol
15 Oct, 2009
Excellent and still jealous!!!!!! :0)-
15 Oct, 2009
lol Dan,, thankyou :o))
15 Oct, 2009
Great photo Sandra ,never had one of these in my garden.....
16 Oct, 2009
thanx janette, this is the second time this year but not seen one myself till now :o)
16 Oct, 2009
I get them on my balcony here in London, on the nutfeeder, but I never get a chance to photograph them, they shoot off at the slightest movement. I only got one in the top of a tree using the zoom lens and then having to crop the picture. Well done for catching this one.
19 Oct, 2009
thanx bamboo, nice to have them on your balcony though, i havent see this one since sorry to say.
19 Oct, 2009
A spotted woodpecker, a Greater I think. I saw one yesterday in the firled where I walk my dog Jake. I tried to get as close as possible but as soon as he saw Jake he was off.
Sandra :o)
25 Oct, 2009
thanx sandra, havent seen him since but was thrilled to get this one chance :o))
25 Oct, 2009
Great (Spotted Woodpecker) photo Sandra ! It's a female - males have red on the back of the head, youngsters have a red crown and females have no red on the head at all. You must have hidden well, 'cos in my garden they're off at the slightest movement. I'm dead jealous of your House Sparrows and Starlings, they've become quite scarce in my part of Southport. I think my commonest bird visitors are Goldfinch and Greenfinch.
18 Nov, 2009
i havent seen this fellow since but i sneaked slowely out of the house to capture this, yes lots of sparrows, starlings, doves, blackbirds, greenfinches to, had goldfinch a few times but seem to have left me now, but i just love to sit and watch the wildlife, squirrels to ;o))
18 Nov, 2009
I haven't seen my woodpecker lately - but I've heard him - he woke me up yesterday at the crack of dawn, drilling into the nut feeder on the balcony.
18 Nov, 2009
Yes, it's good to share your garden with wild guests isn't it. :-)
18 Nov, 2009
i havent heard one drilling is it quite loud bamboo,
yes its wonderfull muddy being in touch with nature
19 Nov, 2009
Yes, it is, Sanbaz, though you have to bear in mind that the nutfeeder ( solid job, squirrel proof), though wired to the balcony railings very firmly and immovable, is nonetheless attached to metal railings - so his drilling into the nuts echoes down the metal railings. I bet all the neighbours are wondering what on earth the noise is...
19 Nov, 2009
aww yes it will vibrate, i bet they do wonder what the strange noise is
19 Nov, 2009
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15 Oct, 2009