Australian Saltwater Crocodile
By Pitta
- 19 Oct, 2009
A giant reptile that inhabits all rivers and seas across northern Australia. can grow to 5 meters and is a man eater given the chance, troublesome animals have to be removed by National Parks rangers, and relocated away from populated areas.They live on fish and wading birds and when the chance comes their way they devour wild pigs , buffalo,dogs ,kangaroo .
Comments on this photo
Woah!! Hes one mean eating machine...Gives me the Shivers... Great pic tho Pitta...
19 Oct, 2009
The only time I've been close to one of these guy's was in a zoo environment in South Africa but they were very docile and we think they were drugged, they are huge animals and ugly too.
19 Oct, 2009
They're a survivor - you don't want to get too close to them.
19 Oct, 2009
Great photo Pitta. I initially thought he looked fearsome but the more you look at his face the more he seems to be smiling or even laughing his little eyes are lovely.
19 Oct, 2009
19 Oct, 2009
O.M.G. I suppose a paddle in the river is out of the question then :o))))
19 Oct, 2009
Some people do paddle in the river ,only the insane.We often loose a dog at the wharf, they wander down to the river while the owner is fishing.SPLASH
20 Oct, 2009
My Brother-in-law used to live in Zambia (now Zimbabwe,) Africa over 30 years ago, and he had a crocodile river near him, he used to watch all the black workers going to and fro accross, packed very tight on a very narrow raft, morning and evening. If anybody fell in their bicycle was saved first and they were left to swim ashore, sounds awful but in those days thats the way it was.
20 Oct, 2009
Just got the chills!!!
30 Oct, 2009
They are to be respected , thats for sure.Tasteya I have been looking at your photo's , just georgeous , saw your cat and many birds but have;nt seen you Aussie dog yet.
30 Oct, 2009
Hope you took this with a big zoom lens, otherwise you were a tad bit close for comfort - amazing picture
16 Nov, 2009
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This photo is of species Crocodylus porosus.
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19 Oct, 2009