The Garden Community for Garden Lovers


By Fluff

A garden flower photo

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Lovely the way you caught the light through them

20 Oct, 2009


Agree with Drc..... photographed very cleverly :o)

20 Oct, 2009


Yes they look lovely I agree about the light. I am so pleased for you, I said they would be ok did nt I. I know they are your favourites.

20 Oct, 2009


Thank you all 3...the leaves are all yellow but the flowers seem happy enough!

20 Oct, 2009


Most of the leave look ok in this to me, just one normally if they are yellow too much water if they are brown not enough, if you have central heating this might do it, try sticking a saucer or beaker of water by the radiator to give moisture to the air.

20 Oct, 2009


I know but the leaves are going yellow quickly & some buds dropping off before opening...yesterday I thought it was dying but today all the flowers so who knows??!!

20 Oct, 2009


They're all looking at the view :o)

20 Oct, 2009


Are you feeding it and is it a annual or pernial

20 Oct, 2009


You might be right Hywel!!

I am feeding it Morgana...but only to prolong it's flowering life! It's an annual that you re-plant every year ...having said that...I'm struggling to find any seed pods so don't know how to keep seeds for next year!

20 Oct, 2009


You allow one of the flowers or some of them to go to seed don't dehead, there is one that is a perenial, which I did nt realise there was one but there is. Here is the link to a perenial one. If you get any seeds place them in a air tight container in the fridge.

20 Oct, 2009


I'm looking for seed pods where a flower has dropped off but there's nothing there at the time...I guess they form later. Thanks for the link Morgana...I must try different ones next would be great to have a perennial one in the garden.

21 Oct, 2009


Look out for perenial Blue Dawn, or evergreen one called Ipomoea Indica, which the flower is identicle to the annual one.

21 Oct, 2009


Thanks Morgana...I've read all the stuff about the perennial one on your link & the pretty smaller purple one looks lovely too.

21 Oct, 2009


Yes you could get two lol

21 Oct, 2009


I'd have a whole garden full of them if I could!

21 Oct, 2009


lol I bet you would and house full by the looks of it.

21 Oct, 2009

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