finch/ or female sparrow
By Sanbaz

21 Oct, 2009
not sure if this is a younge greenfinch, i couldnt be sure because i only got this view and not sure if they grow into their green feathers
Comments on this photo
He'll be well fed whatever he is!!
21 Oct, 2009
thanx Terra and Dan ;o) always well fed here Dan :o))
21 Oct, 2009
looks like a female sparrow to me Sandra. lovely shot
21 Oct, 2009
Brll shot ......
21 Oct, 2009
Hope I don't upset you here lol the white seed is no good for them only for the grass the rspb say, only the black niger seed or sunflower seeds to see them through the winter with nuts its to do with the oil in the seeds. When I started to put out the niger seed I started not only the finches blue tits, I got the bull finches too, so I stick now to the niger seed, it about 2.25 for a large bag.
21 Oct, 2009
Well i'll be alright i've got a good mixture of seed, nuts, niger seed etc
21 Oct, 2009
thanx deida i did wonder,,cheers carol and morgana, its sunflower hearts and crushed peeled nuts , and suet mix, but it does look like white seed morgana, and ive got thistle seed in another,
21 Oct, 2009
Sandra you will be ok, you've got more or less same as me, i know what Morgana is saying is right, but there better with the food we've got than non at all.
21 Oct, 2009
i sometimes get the finch seed to carol if i can find it anywhere, they all seem happy with it anyway :o)
21 Oct, 2009
No that was nt the seed I was on about what you have then Sandra its the other one, it does look like it though cause its whiteish in colour the suet is good for them and the nuts ete
The crushed nuts like you have are better too for the spring for the young as they choke on the whole nuts
21 Oct, 2009
thanx morgana, yes i done put whole nuts out in breeding time because of the choking
21 Oct, 2009
Agree with you, think you can get finch food from wilko's, i know the other day i through a load of seed away, well through it on the ground, got it from poundstretchers, it was like dust it blocked all the feeders, so when on Monday to wilko's and got there bird seed, like i usually do, tell you what i do as well, wilko's as canary seed and i always mix it with the wild bird seed suppose to be good for them, esspecially in summer :o)))
21 Oct, 2009
will get some when i get into town, didnt think of wilko`s carol,, thanx :o)
21 Oct, 2009
It was only cause what I have read or been told by others, so I pass the knowledge on. eg dont ever face a bird box that the mid day sun is on it, as the birds won't nest in it as it burns the chicks.
21 Oct, 2009
That right Morgana they have to face north to northeast
21 Oct, 2009
well thats good advice about the full sun, no fear of that behind these trees in summer, very sheltered,
21 Oct, 2009
Had some nest boxes up for a few years but no babies in them, but i think they get used in winter as there's straw in most of them, so at last there being used for them to keep warm.
21 Oct, 2009
yes you have a few carol, im surprised they dont nest in them, tucked away nicely to
21 Oct, 2009
Sorry Sandra our Terry took over my laptop, but he's moving in his own flat end of November. But i think its that great big conifer tree thats why they dont use them, as its teaming with differant birds, so dont need boxes really.
22 Oct, 2009
yes i think your right, the back of me have conifers not quite as big as yours, its more like a hedge one, and lots of birds in that each year, great terry has flat you will have your house back to yourself carol ;o)
22 Oct, 2009
Sandra love my kids to bits, and my home will always be theirs aswell, but at same time it will be nice, also my house will be all tidy again, he's not to bad but bedroom i walk in and turn and walk back out again, you would'nt believe he's 45 when i look at his room.
22 Oct, 2009
i understand im the same will do anything for mine carol, joe is very tidy in his room luckerly but johnny use to be a messy swine lol
22 Oct, 2009
Our Shane is as differant again he can't stand to be messy, funny how your kids differ is'nt it.
22 Oct, 2009
sure is carol, wish we could change their programs like computers lol
22 Oct, 2009
:o))) LOL
22 Oct, 2009
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Good pic :o)
21 Oct, 2009