garden stone with verse
By Sanbaz

25 Oct, 2009
ive always loved this verse, they have it in their garden at work, so they all put together to get me this ,from boss`s and staff
Comments on this photo
That's lovely Sandra...
I first read this poem as a child when an aunt wrote it in an autograph book.
What a wonderful idea for the boss and staff to give you this. xxx
25 Oct, 2009
This lovely Sandra how kind and thoughtfull of them to do this for you.
My son inlaw was trying to get me into his church harassing me some years ago while I was gardening, I said I am doing more of gods work here in my garden than ever I could do in a church, after those words peace he left me alone lol
25 Oct, 2009
Such a thoughtful present :~))
25 Oct, 2009
thankyou Terra ,morgana and pipsqueak, the words are so true,
morgana my nan was a strong church goer and she even said we dont have to go to church to talk to god, do it where you feel closest and for me the garden is the place :o)
25 Oct, 2009
Sandra how nice of them to get it for you, its lovely. Going on about church my dad when we were little made me and my sisters go 3 times on a sunday, think because we was made to do it, put us off going as we all got older.
25 Oct, 2009
thanx carol isnt it lovely,im so pleased, not sure where to put it though, ive put it here so i can see it when im in the kitchen, i can understand what your saying about going to church :o))
25 Oct, 2009
Fantastic present San and I love the verse , very fond of poetry, enjoy!
25 Oct, 2009
thanks carole i first saw the verse at work in their garden and always loved it, i find its so true,, well for me as a garden person :o))
25 Oct, 2009
Me too!
25 Oct, 2009
25 Oct, 2009
Lovely. I like that verse too. It's true :o)
25 Oct, 2009
thankyou hywel i had a feeling you would like it to :o))
25 Oct, 2009
25 Oct, 2009
It's a very nice verse San, it rings a bell with gardeners doesn't it?
25 Oct, 2009
thanx ian yes your right it does ;o))
25 Oct, 2009
How kind of your colleagues Sandra :-) You must be chuffed.
25 Oct, 2009
thanx dawn yes i am, so pleased, not sure where to place it so its staying there for now where i can see it :o))
25 Oct, 2009
I was looking at this and wondering where it would look best in MY garden! I thought it would look nice as part of the entrance path (if it's made of concrete or stone?)
25 Oct, 2009
What a lovely gift Sandra...
25 Oct, 2009
How lovely! What a great gift!
26 Oct, 2009
hi ian think its concrete, but lovely, would great at the entrance :o)ian had a though you could make a concrete section to your pathway and put this verse into it yourself, alot cheaper method, just a thought :o)
thankyou janette :o)
yes it is a great gift mari,im so pleased :o)
26 Oct, 2009
I think I am going to do this but not until next year when the weather is better!
26 Oct, 2009
yes good thinking ian, dont want your verse to disapear :o)
26 Oct, 2009
Unlike you!!! Where are you??
26 Oct, 2009
What a nice thoughtful gift to recieve, isnt it lovely to know that your thought
so much of.
13 Nov, 2009
thanx stroller yes its lovely :o))
13 Nov, 2009
It is a lovely verse. Strange how it touches a nerve in so many people who say they are not church orientated. Maybe that is because God knows what we need, when we need it and does provide it. I love to sing the Sankey and Moody type hymns but organised religion is a mystery to me. I know it is one way of perpetuating the churchs beliefs, but somehow the people who go to church are often the ones who put others off, by not living up to their commitment. I'm a believer but I cannot understand why in my Fathers house there are many mansions but here on earth each denomination believes only they hold the key to eternal life. That is so sad. i cannot believe in a God who would condemn the large majority of his creation. I think churches are in a state of real crisis at this time. Whether you attend or not do put in a word for their enlightenment when you are enjoying the peace he gives us in a garden.
2 Dec, 2009
my nan always attended church and did so much for it to, she always told me, its what she enjoyed but you dont have to go to church to talk to god or jesus, my garden is gods garden, my house is gods house, i believe that, i love to visit churches but i find alot of services very depressing, i like to feel happy when i think of god,i dont preach to others, its my own belief, everyone is differant i guess ;o) where i work alot of so called christian ladies come to have hair done, but they arent as christian as they want people to believe, always talking about others and look down on people, i hate that
2 Dec, 2009
I'm sure he knows you. I think a lot of the problem in organised religion is the fear of people running it that we might believe in a God we can talk to. I must share this with you.when we were looking for a new minister, our Sunday School Superintendant was on the vacancy committee and had to visit candidates services. I was one who offered to help out in the sunday school while she was away. It was the custom for one of the children to choose and read out a prayer from a book. I was quite shocked and decided to teach them how to pray in a meaningful way. Using the word STOP we
S Spoke to God - How do you do that when you cannot see Him, touch Him or hear him in the traditional way - Jesus invited us to say Our Father.
T then we would thank him for something we had enjoyed during the week.
O Next we prayed for other people and
P then we could say please may we have something we wanted.
One Sunday just before Easter one child asked if God would please give them snow because he had been given a sledge but not been able to use it. We explained that God would answer your prayers in a way he thought appropriate and it was a bit late for snow that year so it was unlikely to happen. The following week we had a terrible struggle to get to church through yes you've guessed it SNOW. That wee soul will always believe in the power of prayer.
We got a new minister we did not like and left the congregation. It is a personal thing and it is best to stick to your beliefs.
2 Dec, 2009
im sure he knows us all mad.... :o))
2 Dec, 2009
me too
2 Dec, 2009
thanx rosepetal yes i do, they have helped me alot over the years through illness, more like family, been there since i was 16 and now 50 lol, had a small break in between but spent the best years working there ;o))
28 Sep, 2010
your right there rosepetal, ;o)
28 Sep, 2010
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if you have trouble reading this it says
the kiss of the sun for pardon
the song of the birds for merth
one is nearer to gods heaven in a garden
than anywhere else on earth
25 Oct, 2009