Another garden visitor
By Dorjac

25 Oct, 2009
Usually lurking in the shrubbery or among the tall perennials hoping for sparrow for dinner. Ears like wires and very wary of me. This is what I call the doorstop postion. Henry sat like that on the window ledge over the radiator, of course.. where else? Still paying frequent visits. A dedicated lurker. I think she knows that Calico Cats equal camoflage and one day she might just be lucky.
Comments on this photo
Certainly looks plump and well fed. Still a keen ornithologist though. Has a collar but you would never get near her.
26 Oct, 2009
She's very pretty and looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth :)
26 Oct, 2009
She's lovely. I've always found Calico cats to be quite "stand-offish". They seem to be one person cats.
14 Nov, 2009
She looks lovely :-)
I call that position the 'Hovercraft' position !!!
14 Nov, 2009
Gilli my gran had a succession of Calico cats. What a lovely name for them. They were all a bit remote too, and all called Cheeky. I think they are always females. They had lots of kittens. The last Cheeky was rather grumpy and don't come near MY kittens, a lot of growling went on.
14 Nov, 2009
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What a lovely little thing, lets hope he doesn't manage to get any birds though eh, I'm sure he has enough dinner at home!
25 Oct, 2009