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Of course, Paddy helped me in the garden. He wasn't a lot of use with the broom though, when it came to sweeping up the Conifer trimmings.

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Should attach a little brush to his tail, then when he wagged he could sweep ;-)

27 Oct, 2009


Paddy had an important role SUPERVISING :o)

27 Oct, 2009


Good idea Louise. You could patent it! A 'Paddybrush'
He supervises Tt and let's me know when someones walking along the road> Bark Bark!!

27 Oct, 2009


Never hear that song Paul Watch dogs of the night ub40 ha ha he he my favouite song of theirs. Lovey picture of Paddy. Hello Paddy you keep watching.

27 Oct, 2009


Never heard that one!!!

28 Oct, 2009


Gorgeous little Paddy, he really is handsome.

28 Oct, 2009


If you down load spotify and type in ub40 watch dog it should come up.

28 Oct, 2009


Lovely Photo

7 Nov, 2009


Is nt it just Deida, Paul was exspecting Paddy to brush the lawn, poor Paddy :~(, then fly off on the broom stick for Halloween lol

7 Nov, 2009


I don't know about sweeping the lawn. All I want Paddy to do at he moment is stop barking at the fireworks. He's been driving us crazy all week. He doesn't seem to be frightened of them. If one goes off when he's in the garden he seems to want to chase it! He used to be fine for his first 3 years but he goes beserk now when they're let (the last 3 years)

7 Nov, 2009


lol Paul the dog has sense he's barking cause you have nt bought him any to watch poor Paddy he is trying to tell you I want some of those lol he he ha ha.

7 Nov, 2009


He'll have a long wait. I'm getting old and miserable. Can't stand fireworks anymore. They get bigger and louder every year and they are so dangerous now, People have big fireworks in their gardens now, that used to be only at displays!

7 Nov, 2009


You have become a pirate as in Hook the film, I can recall bangers and jumping jacks they use to throw the bangers at us and set the jumping jacks off at the back of our legs which mine got burned several times. I thought they were only allowed at displays, perhaps they are trying to beat Nasa to the saturn moon lol

7 Nov, 2009


Yes, the fireworks when I was a child were nowhere near as big or dangerous as the modern ones. And there seem to be so many unknown chinese made fireworks now. I bet they don't alll have the British Standard Kitemark!

7 Nov, 2009


Yes they are larger and louder some, you could alway attach a kite to one lol he he this is tradeing standards job they should be checking the kite mark .

7 Nov, 2009

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