New fence begins...
By Clematisa

1 Nov, 2009
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The new fence should be completed by Monday....then I can start to develop this border.
The blog is also an ongoing diary of the landscaper's ideas for my challenging front garden, as well as my ongoing work on the new back border created by the removal of the trees.
Comments on this photo
Hi Louise - yes he has bolted the new fence to the wall to ensure it doesn't blow over as the other parts of the fence did both last year and the year before and then had to be replaced... I think it's a better idea - what about you?
Re planting schemes - yes lots but can't make up my mind... so many choices as there will be much more light in this area and it will also give the other areas more sun as well in the early morning so that's a consideration too!
Saved my People's Friend offer on the 5 Clematis and they're growing away in the green house at the moment.... also have 4 Zephryn Druin climbing roses in tubs - were to go to my brothers fo a Christmas present 3 years ago but are still what the heart doesn't know the heart doesn't grieve or something similar!
Have the Cotinous Coggrya (purple smoke bush) in a tub that I saved from extinction in August / September... also ordered some hedgeplants but can't make up my mind now about whether they're right for this area or not...
1 Privet, Silver 12-18ins pot grown
2 Photinia Red Robin 8-12ins pot grown
2 Flowering Currant King Edward VII 18-24ins
1 Forsythia spectabilis 18-24ins
2 Gorse pot grown
1 Griselinia 8-12ins pot grown
I've tried different designs with them but can't sem to get it to work now I've seen the area.... maybe you can come up with an idea????
1 Nov, 2009
If it was 'me' i'd want evergreen hedging to screen the panels, so i'd choose the Photinia or Griselinia.
I personally would go for just the one type of plant for a hedge but you may want a mixed hedge !
You could also have your climbers growing through them because neither will have pretty summertime colours even though they both have their own good coloured foliage.
Then infront you could have your perennials :-)))
1 Nov, 2009
Have 3 photinia altogether if you add in the one from the front tub... do you think that would be enough for a hedge or do I need a couple more?
1 Nov, 2009
Are you going to paint the fence? If so, it would be advisable to do it before you start digging and planting
1 Nov, 2009
Very good tip there Andrew.
Clematisa, if you plant 2' apart you just need to work out how many you need to screen the length of fence.
1 Nov, 2009
I think I'd need another 3 Photinia - but if I added these to my order I'd get them cheaper... and probably almost immediately! I could replace the Photinia in the tub with one of the other plants and use the rest along the bit that's being replaced in front of next door's kitchen window... The gorse might be for the front gravel "seascape"....
1 Nov, 2009
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23 Mar, 2008
Ahh, you've placed the panels infront of the little wall.
You can plant infront of 'them' now, i bet you can't wait to get started, Clematisa !
Have you thought of planting schemes yet ?
1 Nov, 2009