The first snow
By Elke

6 Nov, 2009
We've had to dig into our 2-yr supply of firewood already
Comments on this photo
Good photo, but it does look cold out there, agree with you TT its .....bbbrrrrrrr
6 Nov, 2009
Nice and warm indoors though... Haven't put the outdoor plants to bed yet. Hopefully the weekend weather will cooperate for that.
6 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed for you Elke.
6 Nov, 2009
Thats not nice Elke, you can keep it over there. It makes it such a long winter for you. Lovely picture.
6 Nov, 2009
Oh! that is so soon after the summer!
6 Nov, 2009
Did you cut and stack this yourselves or do you buy it in ? Can't help but wonder who draws the short straw and has to go out and fetch it into the house ! Must be comforting to know you have 2 years supply out there. Wrap up warm ! :~))
10 Dec, 2009
I just posted a blog for you, MW. Patrick has furnace duty most of the time, but I do it when needed. The furnace is just inside the basement doors below the pile. We usually pick a nice day and get a good stack indoors, especially when a storm is forecast. We do have electric heat as well, but we use it only if we're away in winter for an extended period, just to stop the house from freezing.
10 Dec, 2009
Well-photographed, Elke :o)
.. bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr
6 Nov, 2009