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garden view from beginning

garden view from beginning

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It's so different from my garden but I really love the design

15 Apr, 2008


It's beginning to look a bit more filled out this year, and I have planted climbers which I suppose will take a few more years for it to look a bit more softer.
I have been wanting to grow a low plant along the edge's but not sure what, something with tiny white or lilac flowers that will soften the edges of the path, would you have any suggestions ?

15 Apr, 2008


Hello Littledove
The only plant I can think of at the moment is the mossy saxifrage-Saxifraga moschata.I have it by a path in my garden.It has tight mossy foliage about 2-3" high and throws up small white flowers about 6" high in June.An attractive little plant.

15 Apr, 2008


Hi Littledove welcome to the site.
You have done a smashing job without a doubt an awful lot of thought has gone into it and it looks great.

One plant that might take your fancy is Ajuga reptans (aka Bugle) it comes in various leaf shades in fact it's like hosta's you buy the plant for it's leaves rather than it's flowers!
I have 3 forms of it in my garden and I can say it's a very good 'doer' of a plant and really great for ground cover as the height is so low and it doesn't matter if you plant it in shade or full sun although the darker leaf colours might pale in full on sun, it spreads with ease although not too much of a thug and is very easy to take cuttings

16 Apr, 2008


Thank you both, Im going to the Nurseries tomorrow so will ask to see these :) I think I could use Ajuga for the shaded areas and Saxifraga for the sunny side, thank you

16 Apr, 2008


I've just noticed a photo of Mossy Saxifrage on Majeekaheads page if you are interested.The one I've got is white but you can get other colours apparently.

19 Apr, 2008

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