The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Hippeastrum artic white


By Sanbaz

Hippeastrum artic white

got myself and my sister-in-law an amaryllis while out today together

Comments on this photo


Thats a good size, fetched mine out the shed yesterday and repotted it.

15 Nov, 2009


hi carol, thanx, what do i do with it once its flowered? not had one before

15 Nov, 2009


Just like a rocket , reaching for the sky!

15 Nov, 2009


thats not quite what baz called it paul lol

15 Nov, 2009


I can imagine but us Essex folk are very polite you know!!!!

15 Nov, 2009


lol paul,i believe you

15 Nov, 2009


Essex girl's favourite wine. "I wanna go shopping at Lakeside"

15 Nov, 2009


Mm well think I m with Baz ..but then I m rude ..

15 Nov, 2009


ive heard storys on essex girls but milky wont agree ,

15 Nov, 2009


oops we crossed ray,, lol i thought you might be with baz on that one lol

15 Nov, 2009


It's see the doctor Ray and Baz!

15 Nov, 2009


lol paul heheh :o))

15 Nov, 2009


So am I when it comes to such things Paul ... working from memory here..

15 Nov, 2009


Poor ol' boy!!!!! Stick to your flower BEDS!

15 Nov, 2009


lol paul :o) poor ray

15 Nov, 2009


Im at lost at what to say. reading all your comments the mind wandered lol

15 Nov, 2009


He he I do Paul .. get so excited when someone says plant one here ..

15 Nov, 2009


lol carole, be glad when it flowers heheh

15 Nov, 2009


I'm not answering that Ray, suffice to say you must have some younger/gamer customers than I have!

16 Nov, 2009


Yeah right Paul ..covered in muck makes me irresistable ..

16 Nov, 2009


Especially the smell eh???

16 Nov, 2009


Thats early San.........a little bit premature....Tee hee.......super colour mine from last year......:o)

16 Nov, 2009


ooooh! Janey!!

16 Nov, 2009



16 Nov, 2009


lol janey,, yes i thought that when i got it, said have the flower in time for xmas, we will see :o))

17 Nov, 2009


mmmm lol is this competition for your brother lol Its very pretty.

17 Nov, 2009


lol, i got them one cause im trying to get them into gardening, they dont have alot of border space but i want them to start next year with some easy plants, low maintanance, so im on the look out for something, i hate to see bare gardens

17 Nov, 2009


Yes the way to get people into gardening is for them their selves to plant or plant a seed and look after it, then they take care of it like a child as they have had to do the work.

17 Nov, 2009


true, my brother is quite good really just got out of it with working so much

17 Nov, 2009


Oh well he will soon be back now you have bought that lovely plant. :o)

17 Nov, 2009


going to help him start next spring :o)

17 Nov, 2009


That will be nice San to do a project together

18 Nov, 2009


:o)) yes it will morgana, just come online, had lots to catch up on today with the house while bad weather, raining again :o(

18 Nov, 2009


Looks very interesting Sanbaz.....not sure I can add more !!! . made my eyes water a bit lol

18 Nov, 2009


lol dotty, yes i know what you mean, its grown a bit more already and the leaves are just sprouting , a bit slow with leaves, have to keep turning it cause its bending toward the light lol

19 Nov, 2009


Keep us posted........

19 Nov, 2009


will do, especially if it flowers :o))

21 Nov, 2009


MADAM........HOW DARE YOU !!!???
You will be impressed when it flowers anyway.

22 Nov, 2009


lol Jbardet, i hope i will be impressed, its twice the height now, growing very quick, it keeps bending to the light on windowsill, so i turn it and it bends again, is it safe to repot at this stage, the plantpot seems a bit small now

22 Nov, 2009


Technically it might be a bit late for potting on but for the sake of balance & stability I would go ahead.

24 Nov, 2009


i will see if it is loose if not i will stand in a caramic pot, thanx jbardet :o))

24 Nov, 2009

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