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Bianca Catches the Last Sun

Bianca Catches the Last Sun

She is not one to follow the sun, but late in season as this, she sat in the 20 minutes of sun that I got that day. No more sun on the house until February.

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Awww, she's pretty !
Did you mean she's not inside the house until February ?

18 Nov, 2009


Thanks Louise. I fixed my comment. The sun doesn't get high enough to be in the east sky until February. I think she has picked up on that.

18 Nov, 2009


Ahh, poor pusscat :-(

In the winter my cats 'chase' the sun around the house, especially the lounge !!!
They even have their little 'sunspots' in the garden, i know exactly where they'll be sat !!!

18 Nov, 2009


Bianca is beautiful. Very much like my old Fluffy.

18 Nov, 2009


She is indeed beautiful....:>)

18 Nov, 2009


Has nt she got a pretty face and lovely colours too cats always find the warm places. he he

18 Nov, 2009


She is lovely, she also looks like Smokey's Brother Bandit, unfortunatly he only lived till he was just a couple of weeks from being 13yrs.

18 Nov, 2009


Lovely photo of Bianca catching some rays!

18 Nov, 2009


She is lovely. How do you cope without the sunshine?

19 Nov, 2009


Thank you all. Bianca says thanks all around too. She is queen of the place anyway. :-)

Sorry to hear about Bandit, Clarice, If he was mannered like my Bianca, I'm sure he was a treasure. And old Fluffy too Hywel. :-)

Maybe the lack of sun here is why she doesn't follow it like I expect most cats to. I have my big Growlight and indoor garden is how I cope Linda. Comes on 6am and turns off 10 pm. So its summer everyday inside. :-) Long as there are my green children to tend, I have plenty to keep me occupied.

20 Nov, 2009


When I was young my husband nearly got a job in St. John's Newfoundland. If we'd have gone there we would have built our own log cabin......

20 Nov, 2009


GT..she looks like my daughters old cat Pearl. She was a Maine coon too..lovely girl Miss Bianca and such a smart one too!

20 Nov, 2009


Lovely cat

22 Nov, 2009


Thank you. She is a real wonder, I just love her.

Linda, I love thinking about cabins, even living in one. Such a fantasy sort of place. :-)

24 Nov, 2009


Lovely Bianca. She'll be waiting patiently for February sitting under the grow lights. My Chevy stakes out one of the forced air furnace vents right next to the patio doors. He sits right on top of it and he can still watch the birds on the feeders without leaving his heat bed. LOL

2 Dec, 2009


Sounds like he has a perfect spot! Bianca has taken to napping upstairs in the shade under a philodendron. Warmer up there. I've given the loft to her and the plants, so she is really taking advantage. She gives me a sour look if I go up and play piano though, disturbing her peace. :-)

2 Dec, 2009


LOL dare you invade HER space!! Don't you know that you are just a minion in Bianca's royal world? Cat's are so funny. It's a good job that they tolerate having us mere humans as pets.

3 Dec, 2009


They use us totally...we are so used by

3 Dec, 2009


They definately rule the roost. She's a dear and I let her rule anyway. I'm a faithful minion. :-)

3 Dec, 2009


A beautiful cat, so like our Tabby who we lost this year and is still much missed by us all. He was named Tabby by our daughter because he was...yes you guessed it tabby. She also had a goldfish called reddy - whitey, guess what colour that was!

7 Jan, 2010


Lol! Ah, childhood. I grew up with cats like Tiny, Tabby, Tom that kind of thing. :-) I can understand, I dont know what life would be like without my Bianca.

8 Jan, 2010

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