The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Clerodendron thomsonae


By Aleyna

Clerodendron thomsonae  (Clerodendron thomsonae)

Blooming for the first time. Photo taken in 11/18/2009.

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I just love the bleeding heart vine - this is looking lovely.

21 Nov, 2009


Oh thank your for the name Bernieh :)
It is known as "Christ tear drop here".
this plant almost died last year, but is coming back very strong now, and another little just growing aside

21 Nov, 2009


Oh I love your common name over there - I think ours was taken from the icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ... it's looking very healthy and happy now. Hope it keeps going strong for you.

21 Nov, 2009



I really like Clerodendrum thomsoniae also! I had
one for many years. It grows well as a small shrub...
even though it's usually sold as a vine.

It's commonly sold as bleeding heart vine here.

28 Nov, 2009


This plant was 4feet tall when we bought it from the nursery house,
unfortunatelly it didnt like a lot the moving from the original pot to this one... and almost died.
I did a hard cut and could save it... im really glad it maded it :o)

29 Nov, 2009



They're very tough plants. They just don't tolerate
cold very well.

30 Nov, 2009


This is a really lovely flower, Aleyna, I've never seen this plant before. I'm glad you managed to save it & I hope you will many more years of beautiful flowers from it. :-)

12 Dec, 2009


Thank you Balcony... :o))

13 Dec, 2009


So lovely. I'm glad it has recovered and settle in for you. Should bring many more years. :-)

13 Dec, 2009

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