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Agave americana - Century Plant

Agave americana - Century Plant (Agave americana - Century Plant)

This Century plant is probably more than 10 feet / 3 meters
tall and more than twice as wide. It usually takes
a plant 10+ years to bloom here...however, in cold climates
it can take as long as 60+ years to bloom. This plant
grows wild here in almost all canyon areas.
Photo taken Nov. 27, 2009.

Comments on this photo


Fantastic specimen Andy. You have to go to the far south west of the UK to risk growing one of these outside. In the nursery I work in at Kew there is a large collection of Agave, but obviously no plants of that size!

28 Nov, 2009


wow Delonix thats awesome...i have two growing outside...i wonder if they will ever flower?

28 Nov, 2009



Thanks! Yes, they do grow very large here...and they
grow everywhere. Many Agave species truly grow
like weeds here.


I hope your Agave will bloom one day! It may take a little
longer for it to bloom there in England though. Let's hope it
doesn't take 60 years! : > )

28 Nov, 2009


Wow very interesting.

28 Nov, 2009


Wow that is enormous, was about to buy one of these, not too sure now if they get that big lol

29 Nov, 2009


DD you can keep it in a pot which will keep it at a managable size....

29 Nov, 2009


If only ours would reach this size !!i think we would have to live to about 200 years old to see one flower....LOL

29 Nov, 2009


Amazing, how big it has grown.

29 Nov, 2009



That's funny! : > )


They can grow a little larger...however, I think this plant
will be blooming soon.

29 Nov, 2009


Sandra now that is a good idea, did not want to move house again.......

30 Nov, 2009


i have been moving the last of mine inside today..we had such a lovely sunny day here....i do have a few planted out but they limp through the winter...

30 Nov, 2009


The largest ones I have seen growing outside in the UK were at Tresco.Huge!

1 Dec, 2009



I've seen photos of the ones at Tresco...they are
big...however, multiply those by 2 or 3 and that's
how large they grow here. The flowers spikes also
grow to 30 - 40 feet or 9 -13 meters tall : > )

1 Dec, 2009


ive seen a few in St. Davids Pembrokeshire growing outside and flowering occasionaly. they have been in the ground for about ten years and are about
ten feet wide.....

mine are still tiny but they do seem to be hanging on in there...;-))

the ones on the Scilly isles were much bigger....but still no where near that...

1 Dec, 2009



It sounds like the ones growing in England bloom
in about the same amount of time as they do here.

I'll have to get some photos of the thousands of the naturalized
stands growing on the sides of the mesas and canyons. I pass
by several large stands with huge flower spikes every day...
however, it is so difficult to get a good camera
doesn't have a good zoom lens.

2 Dec, 2009

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