The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Mystery chambers South


By Stevey

Mystery chambers South

At the opposite end, here are two sets of chambers, two with arches (this is an early picture, I have rebuilt one arch since).

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Quick, Tony down this end..!...
...get Phil with his feather hat and his spade......
...lights, umbrellas, wellies, camera... action...... :o)

29 Nov, 2009


It has been suggested..we did some research, and talked to the local industrial archeology societeis, but no great interest, unfortunately.

29 Nov, 2009


That's a pity... could be a stash of gold down there....
... or ancient documents.... or ......hidden passages leading to secret underground rooms.....:o)

29 Nov, 2009


That's interesting Stevey.........did you ever go down them before rebuilding?

29 Nov, 2009


I'm seeing them in reverse order. Not a heating system I don't think lol

29 Nov, 2009


Just been reading about ice houses....have a look at Petworth ice house Stevey, it talks of channels such as these.

29 Nov, 2009


I have only rebuilt around the edges, the chambers are as is..I will be excavating some more in drier times! The ice house idea is a thought..I think what we have is one "pair" of the chambers per house..there were three terraced cottages on the garden until the 30s. The outbuilding lasted till early 90s.

29 Nov, 2009


Do you have a photo of the building ?

29 Nov, 2009


Mmmm......maybe to do with sanitation then....from outside privvies....:o(

29 Nov, 2009


I do have a poor quality aerial view, I'll post that tonight - wasn't sure people were that interested!

30 Nov, 2009


I'm very interested in local history etc. I'll look forward to seeing the photo. I don't confine myself to cultivated plants like some people lol . And if the building was in your garden then I don't think there is any reason why you should not show it on here. :o)

30 Nov, 2009

2 Dec, 2009


Scroll down to bottom of this page above and you will see the same shape of arches as yours, they belong to a cellar, what do you think?

2 Dec, 2009


Well spotted..or researched. Could be relevant, coundn't it? Wonder if they could have been a sounce of cooling water as used in dairies? To cool the larder.

2 Dec, 2009


Like a fridge you mean, yes could be as where I use to live years ago I use to have a cold slab to keep food fresh as I never had a fridge in the 70s or 80s at all, so the water could of been to keep the things fresh.

2 Dec, 2009

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