Peltophorum africanum - African Wattle Tree
By Delonix1

3 Dec, 2009
I couldn't believe this tree was still blooming even in December.
This is a summer-flowering tree. Photo taken Dec. 1, 2009.
Comments on this photo
It may look like summer...however, it was only
73 degrees F./ 23 degrees C. this day...and the
days are shorter and nights are longer and cooler
now. It has been very clear and sunny though. : > )
3 Dec, 2009
ONLY 73 degrees!!! I'm not going to tell you how cold (and wet) its been here...
4 Dec, 2009
How cold and wet is it?
The day before I went to Quail Botanical Gardens it
was around 80 degrees F. / 27 degrees C. and today it's
beautiful, comfortable (71 degrees F) and sunny...however,
there's potential changes coming next week. The meteorologists
predict a big rain storm for a couple of days next week...which
we need so badly. Our drought has gone from bad to worse...
and I just hate the water-restrictions!
4 Dec, 2009
We have just had the wettest November on record, frost last night.Parts of Cumbria in the northwest of the UK have had severe floods...and its just the start of winter!
5 Dec, 2009
WOW! I hope the weather improves for you soon!
I did see Sandra's pics of all the flooding in
the city where she lives in Southewest England.
It was amazing! I wonder if it's because of El Niño?
Aleyna in Southern Brazil said her city
has had the most rain in 50 years.
I do know that El Niño affects the weather around
the world...and as you said it's not even winter
officially yet.
In California we usually receive a lot of rain from very
big storms during El Niño years. We are actually
hoping for it this winter to end the 7 year drought!
5 Dec, 2009
I have recently started a GoYpedia category called Flood Damage...
go to base of page and click on F and that will lead you to the page...
You can see photos of Gee19's garden recently flooded :o(
5 Dec, 2009
I'll check it out. I wish they would send
some of their excess rain here. : > )
We are suppose to get some real rain
here on Sunday night and Monday...
I hope it actually comes! : > )
6 Dec, 2009
Lovely tree!
12 Aug, 2010
Thanks! Usually this tree is covered with many more flowers in summer.
If you like this pic...check out my pics of Peltophorum pterocarpum - Yellow Poinciana...they are even more spectacular in bloom.
13 Aug, 2010
Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Peltophorum africanum - African Wattle Tree.
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Gardening with friends since
19 Jul, 2009
Looks like summer to me..Lol.
3 Dec, 2009