By Valerie2

3 Dec, 2009
My husband built this stairway 2 years ago, and I did the landscaping. It goes down to a deck, a guest bedroom & bath and a small ballroom where we practice our dancing.
Comments on this photo
Are those daylilies? my absolute favourite plant :-)
3 Dec, 2009
This is a beautiful area - lots of terrific daylilies there. Looks like you might have almost ... almost ... as many daylilies as Simbad at your place, Valerie!
3 Dec, 2009
Yes we watch dancing with the Stars as we are ballroom dancers, but we don't look quite as good as them as we are 75 years old, and hard to compete with those young whipper snappers. My body isn't quite as supply as it once was.
4 Dec, 2009
I bet you can still perform an amazing American Smooth :o)
4 Dec, 2009
Taking classes on the peabody lately. Great dance that Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair used to do in the movies.
Yes those are daylilies. We have a beautiful daylily farm quite close to us. It's a fun place to go and they dig the plants up that you want right there on the spot.
4 Dec, 2009
Lucky you having a daylily farm nearby, we don't have anything like that here, buy most of mine on e-bay and there are a handful of good suppliers but garden centres here all seem to sell the same varieties, youngest daughters buying me membership to British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society for christmas so hopefully be able to swap plants with members, although rapidly running out of space,lol.
5 Dec, 2009
I'm just the opposite Sim as I still have a lot of space to fill. My problem is finding plants that will grow in shade as I have so little sun. Even my daylilys have to reach out to find the sun.
5 Dec, 2009
Have you tried ajuga, columbines, clivia, jacobinias, hoyas, astilbes, nicotainia, foxgloves or coral bells in your shady areas? I saw from another photo you do have a hydrangea - perfect for its spot. What about aglaonemas, alocasias, and ferns like asplenium nidus or phyllitis scolopendrium? Then there are the beautiful miltonia orchids.
10 Dec, 2009
I have ajuga, columbines, astilbes, lots of ferns, & foxgloves Bernie. The rest of the plants you mentioned I'm not familiar with. Have written down the names and I will look them up on the growsonyou search engine. Thanks so much for your help.
10 Dec, 2009
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This photo is of species Hemerocallisylily).
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Lovely stairway.
I'm putting this on GoYpedia design ideas...
Nice to have your own ballroom.. you watch Dancing with the Stars ? :o)
3 Dec, 2009