The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Burgundy-Colored Philodendron growing in Howea belmoreana - Sentry Palm

Burgundy-Colored Philodendron growing in Howea belmoreana - Sentry Palm

This Philodendron is about 25 feet / 8 meters high in this
Palm tree at Quail B.G. on Dec. 1, 2009.

Comments on this photo


This is lovely, i much prefer it to the green types i've only ever seen before.

4 Dec, 2009



Thanks! There's millions of Philodendron hybrids,
varieties...this one is very popular and common along
with the green and pink-leaf varieities.
It's almost impossible to keep up the names.

4 Dec, 2009


I like this as a photo composition Delonix.... well done...
lovely mixture of dark leaves and fronds :o)

4 Dec, 2009



Thanks so much! It's quite a challenge to take a
good photo in this 'tropical rainforest' section of the
gardens because it's so dark and has so many
shadows because of lighting.

4 Dec, 2009


Brilliant pic......

17 Dec, 2009



Thanks! It wasn't as clear as I wanted...because this
is taken in the tropical rain forest garden area where
it's pretty shady.

17 Dec, 2009


Yes I can see and feel the atmosphere.......

18 Dec, 2009

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