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Costus barbatus - Red Tower Ginger / Spiral Ginger

Costus barbatus - Red Tower Ginger / Spiral Ginger (Costus barbatus - Red Tower Ginger / Spiral Ginger)

My Red Tower Ginger blooming last year in Sept. under the Jacaranda tree.

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That has a pretty flower it looks heslthy enough here Andy.

27 Aug, 2017


I'm thinking it may have been the drought that did it in! The severe drought caused so many problems with my plants. Especially, when we were on severe water restrictions here. Most of my plants love water!

29 Aug, 2017


I would say so to its the drought shame most of your plants love water and there is nt enough water with the restrictions you ll have to try growing drought loving plants.

29 Aug, 2017


I don't like most drought-loving plants! LOL! Most drought-tolerant plants go dormant in summer.

30 Aug, 2017


lol Andy you sound like me you grow what you love irrelivent of condition l just go out and get another if it dies and have it placed where it will be protected.

30 Aug, 2017


I only occasion will replace plants. Many of my plants I've had for many years. Some plant I've had over 30 years. I can't believe it. Has time gone by so quickly? Wow! LOL! :>))

1 Sep, 2017


You ve got beautiful plants Andy I can see why you hardly replace any . lol yep once you pass your teens time flies.

1 Sep, 2017


Thank you. I try to make cuttings of plants so I have duplicates, just in case one dies.

I think after you hit 30 time flies! :>))

3 Sep, 2017


I dont blame you Andy if I had the room and green house I would do the same.

lol 30 now let me think ? ahrr yes 1984 eight years after I became a grand mother ?

3 Sep, 2017


I wish I had a greenhouse. I used to have a pop up one. It finally fell apart. lol! I loved that little greenhouse for starting seedlings. It wasn't heated; however, it protected plants from the blistering sun.

You become a grandmother in 1976? That's 8 years before 1984.

4 Sep, 2017


I wish I had one to a glass one though. Yes they are great for seedlings the pop up ones I ve had one of those to but dont last long with our winds the first one was a large one it was cut to pieces by a jealous spiteful neighbour whom I never bothered with I ve always kept my self to my self thank goodness they moved.

lol no 8 years after I was 30 so I was 38 yrs of age in 1992.

4 Sep, 2017


That's horrible about your neighbor!

Ok, now I understand. LOL! :>))

5 Sep, 2017


Yep they even smashed to pieces a hand made large wooden windmill. Trouble here Andy they have housing association s here and they take some out of bad area s where they are born and bred and place them amongst people who don't come from those kind of areas and most of the time it does nt work. I ve lived in a bad area years ago but was nt born or bought up in one and I would never dream of doing things like this to others.

Lol Andy I am now 63 :o))

5 Sep, 2017


That's horrible people do that. It's really sad!

You didn't have to give up your age. I'm about 8 years younger than you (just a youngin'). LOL!

7 Sep, 2017


Yes I often think these people live sad lives nothing better to do in their life but to try and cause misery to others instead of being creative for them selves but I took advise from my son you dont let it get you down you go out and replace what they destroy with even better stuff just to show them they are not winning hence why my garden has such things in it.

lol I am not one to care about age Andy I ve been told by many I dont look or act my age so I always say age is just a collection of numbers after your name one day I can feel 100 lol another day I feel like a teenager I think younger and more understanding than my kids which are 45 43 29 they are far more narrow minded than me and more serious its this snobbery attitude our governments are imposing on our children here along with the press as you can see I am not a conformer more a rebel ? lol yep your a youngin ?lol

7 Sep, 2017


It's really sad people are jealous of other people and want to do harm to them or their things.

Age is just a number, it's how you feel which is important.
I do wish I was a youngin' again! LOL! :>))

I do believe in working with people; however, I do question everything and think for myself.

12 Sep, 2017


I think so to Andy some times its lack of education some times the kind of area your bought up in also their up bringing mainly from hanging around with the wrong people when young and I dont think bombarding people in schools teachers them selves tend to be bullies or on tv programs of drugs etc in schools and you should have a certain fashion and in the media that you should look like or it is cool to be a vindictive person yes some are born to be like it but its how society moulds them.

Yes I suppose your right and yes but when we are young we want to be older lol

Yes its good for you to work with other people its educational how others think and their ideas. This is where our education fails here likely over there to with children that have special needs the authorities expect them to think their way of learning instead of working with the way the child thinks.

13 Sep, 2017

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This photo is of species Costus barbatus - Red Tower Ginger / Spiral Ginger.

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