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Crocus goulimyi

Crocus goulimyi (Crocus goulimyi)

A proper crocus, rather than a colchicum, this originates from Greece. Grown in the alpine house to give it a good dry summer rest. There is a lovely white form too

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Love the two tone colour you have some pretty crocus

11 Jan, 2010


Many thanks Sixpence for this and other nice comments. Funnily enough crocus are one of the genera that I'm least succesful with. But when they do flower they do make a good picture.

11 Jan, 2010


You have done a grand job growing all these crocus, they are beautiful all your collection.
I notice they grow better in grass or pots/tubs, I have mine in a wooden tub, they come up every year.

12 Jan, 2010


Love the way the color fades as it goes toward the center.

19 Feb, 2010

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