Streptocarpus Crystal Beauty
By Alzheimer

12 Jan, 2010
A really good blue one of the Crystal range...which I have found to be very floriferous.
Comments on this photo
Yes - these ones in the Crystal range are really excellent value too - and divide up happily - and leaf cuttings take off rapidly!
12 Jan, 2010
They are useful in the winter months when the other varieties are having a rest.
12 Jan, 2010
Very true - they can indeed be kept going...but as I ran out of space (surprise surprise!) this winter - they are all "resting" in my sitootery !!! Soon be time to give them a bit of TLC
12 Jan, 2010
What huge panicles of flowers, beautiful.
13 Jan, 2010
Hi Alz! How's you? I do like the colour they make a lovely display. :~)).
10 Feb, 2010
Hi Skillen....just dropped in as I do occasionally these days! Yes - these Crystal ones are real good doers and are coming back to life now that they have had a bit of TLC. They would have kept on going I think as promised all winter too- but I just didn't have enough room indoors for them - so they had to live in the sitootery - which was bit parky !!!!
Still a bit chilly round the nethers up doubt you are the same! Lots more snow forecast for next week too...will it never end!! February Fill-dyke of course...what can we expect?!
12 Feb, 2010
You do well with all your lovely houseplants Alz. Still pretty parky here too, though not as bad as it has been and no snow forcast here at the mo. Never mind it won't be long 'till you get out in yer sitootery now! Hope all is well with you Honey and Di. xx
12 Feb, 2010
Sorry for the late response to this picture.
I bought one of these at Dibleys last year and it is still flowering. In this Crystol series the flowers are not large so with my experiments at cross pollinating I think a cross with Iona this year might produce a different exciting colour for next year. Thanks for showing this magnificent plant of yours.
I've just noticed I am a year late so I am wondering if your plant survived this winter and is it still flowering.
31 Jan, 2011
Hi Tanny....yes indeed I THINK most of my streptocarpus have survived...JUST! They are all looking very sorry for themselves right now but once they have a bit of TLC and re-potted - I hope that they will all recover. Certainly the Crystal series are far more robust.
They came through the previous winter better then this one by the looks of things - but then they were "put to bed" that year - this year we were all caught out as we had sub-zero temps and snow from the very beginning of Nov up everything just got a hasty agro-fleece top "coat" and left to get on with it as they are all housed in my sitootery where things don't ever actually freeze despite there being no heating!
I also had a little collection on the Chiritas - the mini-streptos....but sadly they have not survived and indeed I just composted them earlier today! They were so pretty however - that I may have another go..LOL
31 Jan, 2011
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beaautiful colour Alz
12 Jan, 2010