Chirita (streptocarpus) collection
By Alzheimer

12 Jan, 2010
Back in October - this was the Chirita collection on arrival......apart from the Tamiana one that flowered - they look much the same right now - in Jan'10
Comments on this photo eBay find, Jacque....couldn't resist them for little diddy plants!!
12 Jan, 2010
Ebay does have some lovely stuff but not always cheaper to buy from ! :/
12 Jan, 2010
Alz I think the plants have grown quite a bit since your last photo in oct.
12 Jan, 2010
Hope so Yorkshire - but of course seeing them every day - I don't notice...LOL
Yes Jacque - you have to be careful of eBay - especially of the pack/post!!
12 Jan, 2010
lovely plant holder Alzh,, ;o))
12 Jan, 2010
Yes - Sandra - just right for just now where they are nice and light - but hopefully they will outgrow those little pots later
12 Jan, 2010
lets hope so, will look lovely :o))
12 Jan, 2010
Alz how about an update these plants, a photo please.
5 Feb, 2010
Nothing to report yet, Yorkshire....they just sit there quietly - waiting for Spring I suppose! When they do start to make a move - I will indeed update the pics!
5 Feb, 2010
Pictures by alzheimer
15 of 19
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Featured on: house plants feature ideas
This photo is of species Chirita Streptocarpus.
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Love Your Pot Holder Alzh iv 2 Candle holders which look similar? :)
12 Jan, 2010