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Mountain Cactus - Pediocactus simpsonii

Mountain Cactus - Pediocactus simpsonii (Cactaceae)

Pediocactus simpsonii was first named by George Engelmann for army engineer James H. Simpson under the name Echinocactus simpsonii. Simpson led an expedition in Colorado, and Engelmann named the species "in honor of the gallant commander" of the expedition

These flowers are born in the center of the cactus and are usually a brilliant pink, but can sometimes be whitish in color.

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beautiful, jus love the colour

13 Jan, 2010


Stunning colour.........

13 Jan, 2010


Beautiful colour.....

13 Jan, 2010


very pretty - lovely colour

5 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species Cactaceae.

This photo is of "Cactaceae - Cactus Family" in Healerwitch's garden

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