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Canna Cloepatra Original Plant


By Louis

Canna Cloepatra Original Plant

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23 Jan, 2010


Pretty flower :o)

23 Jan, 2010


Thank you Terratoonie, it's my favourite canna :))

23 Jan, 2010


I l love that canna it's a real beauty....

23 Jan, 2010


Thank you Dotty, ordered some more for this year.....hope they do as well :))))

23 Jan, 2010


Love canas

24 Jan, 2010


I agree with you Clarice, they always look quite tropical, even if the flowers are not that great, the leafs makes it up for it :))

24 Jan, 2010


I've just ordered 3 mini canas.

24 Jan, 2010


Oh I do like that Louis. :~)).

24 Jan, 2010


Clarice, are you going to plant the mini cannas in pots?, and don't forget to feed it, when you plant it.

Thank you Skillen, I must admit, that it's such a beautiful's my favourite canna.

24 Jan, 2010


I love cannas Louis, and this is one of my favourites. Unfortunately mine seems to have been lost in this winters frost and snow, the worst for years apparently.

31 Jan, 2010


Gwen, I lost this one last February, when we had all that snow and frost. I have some on order, and should be delivered soon.............. I hope :))

31 Jan, 2010


Oh, this one is breathtaking Louis. You must have been sad to lose it. I've recently bought 3 canna and if any of them are half as beautiful in flower, I shall be happy. I'm going to look out for this one:-)

13 Mar, 2010


Thank you Bornagain....... Got some on order, should be delivered soon I hope, together with the Picasso as well. Three of each so can't wait....:-)

13 Mar, 2010


These are my first canna, I hope they're ok: I've got Durban, Black Knight and Red King Humbert. They are in my porch at the moment, they just have to be frost free don't they?

13 Mar, 2010


That's right, keep them frost free, and just treat them as Delias. At this time of year, don't over water them. Just spray the soil with water slightly to keep the soil moist. The rhizomes can rot if they get wet. I like the Durban because of it's colourful leafs, and Red King Hubert for it's bright red flowers........but my favourite is the Black Knight, as they are tall and it's darkish big leafs......... Good choice of cannas Bornagain, very well done :-) Be careful not to break the shoots as they come up...... I have done that a few time, when lifting the rhizomes to be re-potted ....... Very fustrating lol Good Luck :-)

14 Mar, 2010


Thanks Louis, what size pot would you say they need? They came in 5 litre ones:-)

14 Mar, 2010


I am guessing the plants are quite small, they will be fine in 5 litre pots. Make sure the soil has some grit for good drainage :-)

14 Mar, 2010


One has a stem about 3cm diameter, is that small? When it arrived it looked as though it had just been cut for shipping. I don't know how mature they are. Should I take them from the pots they arrived in?

14 Mar, 2010


I should if I was you Bornagain, as the rhizomes will only get bigger. so it needs the space. Don't forget to add grit to increase the drainage, and feed it well at first. At this moment in time, it will need sunshine and warmth, so anywhere behind glass will be the ideal spot for it. Good luck :-)

15 Mar, 2010


Thanks Louis:-)

15 Mar, 2010


Stunning! :o)

11 Apr, 2010

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