For Louise1
By Muddywalters

26 Jan, 2010
If I gardened naked, I'd hang these around my neck !
Comments on this photo
Oh yes.....what's goin' on 'ere
26 Jan, 2010
I wonder if there'll be a follow-on picture, Alice ;-)
26 Jan, 2010
I don't think we want to know Alice ... LOL.......
26 Jan, 2010
Ooer Missus ! What I meant was, I'd feel naked in the garden without them. Yes, that sounds better doesn't it ???
26 Jan, 2010
A likely story . :o)
26 Jan, 2010
Tsk !
26 Jan, 2010
Not very Big r they lol :)
26 Jan, 2010
:-)) imagination is running riot here!!.... heh heh....
26 Jan, 2010
The first rule of hole management is when in said hole, stop digging. So, it's my spade and I'm putting it away now !!! ;-)
26 Jan, 2010
I think that would be a good idea Muddy...:>)....Ahem....Well cared for pair of
26 Jan, 2010
You should always keep your tools clean - you never know when you might get run over by a bus.....??, hang on......that was some other good advice wasn't it ???? ;-)
26 Jan, 2010
It certainly was Muddy...Now put your tool away before you bury yourself Lol x x
26 Jan, 2010
Lol...Milky !
26 Jan, 2010
He's well on his way Milky ... LOL..
26 Jan, 2010
LOL Looking forward to your new pictures...with these around your neck! LOL
26 Jan, 2010
Clever bit of back tracking there Muddy....must have had plenty of practice!!!
26 Jan, 2010
Lou, I'm saying nothing....nothing ! Besides, I'm heavily
26 Jan, 2010
LOL :0)
27 Jan, 2010
lol reading all comments,, the mind boggles hahah :o)
27 Jan, 2010
See what you've been missing San....:))
27 Jan, 2010
LOL, yes, The Naked Pruner ;-))
Sorry Muddy, we'll let it drop now :-/
28 Jan, 2010
28 Jan, 2010
Ooo I know just the gardening club you can join, and caption to go with it.
28 Jan, 2010
I thought this when i saw Muddys caption Sixpence !
29 Jan, 2010
So did I Louise1 great minds think alike, I think he's up for it myself, he just would nt dare admit it. lol
29 Jan, 2010
Just looked at your link Sixpence - maybe 30 years ago, but now I'd just scare the wildlife away ! :-))
29 Jan, 2010
Ha ha yea right, I m sure the laughing Hyena, would find it amusing, don't know about frightening, what is the saying a leopard never changes it spots, they just get craftier.
29 Jan, 2010
LOL Muddy ;-)
29 Jan, 2010
I need wine to even conjur that image!!!
2 Feb, 2010
I need wine to ERASE :-)
2 Feb, 2010
3 Feb, 2010
maybe we should ask for another goypedia...gardening with Booze...LOL :}
3 Feb, 2010
'hic' I'll drink to that. We could rewrite that 70's BBC play 'Edna, the Inebriate Plantswoman ... lol :-)
3 Feb, 2010
Tsk !
4 Feb, 2010
19 Feb, 2010
Now Muddy, with 14 bare root roses planted in your garden, some would say it might not be such a wise idea to be contemplating naked gardening! They do tend to grab one....;)
12 Mar, 2010
Lol ... sound advice Karen ! :-))
13 Mar, 2010
We live close to Malmesbury where the REAL naked gardeners live and open their gardens to the public!! Their garden is really stunning, its called Abbey Gardens. They do have naked open days but I give those a miss and go when they are wearing underpants!!
9 Jul, 2010
Hi Lulu33, it must be costing them a fortune in Sunblock with all this good weather we're having ! :-)
9 Jul, 2010
9 Jul, 2010
Ha! I shall have to ask them. I am having to work only in the shade at the moment due to heat stroke!! Plus I only have brown arms, legs and face all else is white, like most folk who work on the land!!!
9 Jul, 2010
Ha ha, yeah - 'Gardeners' Tan' .... lol
10 Jul, 2010
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LOL Muddy ;-))
26 Jan, 2010