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Seed Potato "Pixie"


By David

Seed Potato "Pixie"

2nd Early variety, bred in N. Scotland. Chosen for our "Pirates" themed garden because it reminds us of pixie/fairy dust in "Peter Pan".

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I hope they work their magic for you David .. :o)

30 Jan, 2010


Eye, Eye, Captain :)

30 Jan, 2010


Dont forget to Tinkerbell...... when there

30 Jan, 2010


I hope they spread their wings for you David and with a little sprinkle of fairy dust, I think they will do well.: O )

30 Jan, 2010


Thank You. They don't seem to be chitting too quickly, which is a good thing, as I don't want to plant them out too early.

1 Feb, 2010


Will you be growing them in black strong dusbin bags David?

1 Feb, 2010


Hi 6d! - No, I'll turn my empty compost bags inside out, so that the black side attracts heat (what's that? lol!). It'll be a way to re-use, and reduce wastage, at least for this summer. Will also have the compost bags inside hessian sacks, to make the bags look more "authentic". :-))

1 Feb, 2010


Lol clever you David I seen them today selling potatoe plastic bags with holes in at B&Q 9.00 odd for them, what a cheek I thought for plastic you could get and do yourself.

1 Feb, 2010


You can buy 10 hessian sacks online for £16. luckily, a friend works on a farm, so should be able to get 2 or 3 for free. Hopefully, we shall get potatoes to store in one of the sacks, too. Could grow other edibles in compost bags disguised with sacks, too. I'm thinking "ship's rations" here. Have seeds of carrot "Kingston" (reference to Jamaica, an old pirate haven, of course). Mainly Vitamin A, but does contain Vit. C, deficiency of which caused the disease scurvy. I do want a healthy "crew"! :-))

1 Feb, 2010


That great you have such a good friend David and of course a healthy crew is vital, vitiamin C is very good for the skin also high in vitiamin C is yellow skined Kwi fruit.

2 Feb, 2010


I have a very strong-growing kiwi "vine" in a very large trough, 6d. It was originally my Dad's. It is the so-called self fertile "Jenny". About 7 years ago, he bought 2 in a "bogof" offer, and gave me one. Mine got strangled in a former garden by weeds, afraid to say!! His grew, magnificently, trained along a fence. 5 years ago, my parents moved home, and my Dad decided that I should take over his kiwi. OMGoodness, we had to smash up a concrete path to get its roots out, then replace the path for the new owners. He got it to flower, but no fruit (wouldn't really expect any outdoors this far north).It is doing well in my garden, and just love it for its large leaves alone, and seeing how much it weaves its way along the fence and the trellis I put up for it. So, I do have our VitC, after all!!! Thanks for the "reminder"! :-))

2 Feb, 2010


Your welcome that great know that you have his Kiwi, also how large the root was, will be informative to those who want to grow one, to place not near pavements.

3 Feb, 2010


David I wouldn't put your potatoes in until the third week of March or even later where you are! Don't worry that they are not chitting as yet, just keep them warm and light and they will come in their own sweet time!

3 Feb, 2010


David....try your local pet shop or market stall selling wild bird food. My peanuts come in hessian sacks and I sell them on my markets when I have a surplus....4 for £1! They may well do the same.

4 Feb, 2010


Lol, 6d!!

Many Thanx, Ian. They're not doing too much sprouting at the mo, and, yes, I'm glad about this. I'm sure that they can wait until when you sugggest. :-)

Great idea, Pg!! Will keep my "eyes peeled", pardon the pun. Many Thanks for suggesting this. :-)

4 Feb, 2010


You're welcome.. :o))

5 Feb, 2010


You're welcome.. :o))

5 Feb, 2010


.....Imitating a parrot.....for your new theme!!! LOL ;o))

5 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of "M. Plants in our "Pirates" themed Garden." in David's garden

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