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Sunrise: 01/29/10

Sunrise: 01/29/10

The sun is showing its face again and this sight was a great start to a beautiful day.

Comments on this photo


OMG its nice for u to see that sun again....what a lovely photo...;-))

31 Jan, 2010


Wow what a scene its gorgeous.

31 Jan, 2010


That is beautiful

31 Jan, 2010


pretty sky.......

31 Jan, 2010


Beautiful sunrise.............

31 Jan, 2010


great photo

31 Jan, 2010


Stunning sky.

31 Jan, 2010


Thank you all. I really appreciate all the comments. :-) Seems like this year had been especially dark. This is just over the garden, as you can just make out the sat dish at the bottom. :-) Sun came in the window yesterday!

31 Jan, 2010


i bet u were delighted when u saw the sun through your much snow have u still got?

31 Jan, 2010 Not heavy fall yet this year, but still a foot or so. Feb and March is when it can really come on thick. We just got above -18C for the first time in two months. The sun was welcome. Back to grey skies again today.

31 Jan, 2010


Fantastic shot.......

2 Feb, 2010


Thank you Dotty. A lovely start to what was a beautiful day too.

5 Feb, 2010


How lovely for you, we are back to never ending rain.....:*((

6 Feb, 2010


Oh, unfortunate. Rain and clouds. We get a good share of clear days, though not always with sun. :-)

6 Feb, 2010


I don't like the sound of -18C, I thought -8C was bad enough. beautiful sky though

6 Feb, 2010


Thank you AG. Yes, very cold here. We get amazing winter skies though with our angle to the sun. I like my subzero's better than that awful -1-10 C. Damp and chily, that. Hope you don't see it again for a while.

6 Feb, 2010


Thank you Avis. Wonderful to be getting a little sun again.

6 Feb, 2010


I don't know how you get through those dark months! Really puts my moaning about the drizzle in to perspective! I think I would be perpetually snoozing if there were no daylight!! Welcome back to the daylight!

7 Feb, 2010


I do get tired, but my secret as a gardener Karen is my 400watt growlight. On at 530am and off at 930pm. Keeps my indoor jungle going and I never miss a day. :-) We get a generous anount of clear skies. The cloudy days are harder for me. I know what you guys have to go through. :-)

7 Feb, 2010


Ah, yes, I also have a sun light lamp! wouldn't be without it! It really wakes me up!

8 Feb, 2010


Great shot GT, so beautiful!

14 Feb, 2010


Thank Tastey. So glad to be getting sights like this again.

14 Feb, 2010

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