iris 'purple gem'
By Motinot

31 Jan, 2010
Comments on this photo
Time to adopt a feral cat, Paul. :-)
31 Jan, 2010
NO, allergic to cats I'm afraid. Can't get near them. They make me sneeze, eyes run, chest wheeze etc I would have thought Paddy's presence would put them off but it seems not. We are veryu close to farm fields so get a lot of mice!
31 Jan, 2010
Harry Dodson (The Victorian Kitchen Garden) used to put sprigs of holly over his peas when he sowed them to stop the mice from eating them - might work for iris and snowdrops?
31 Jan, 2010
I would have need a lot of Holly leaves . the little blighters have had many hundreds from my garden(snowdrops mainly) On my rockery I've tried all sorts including pegging chicken wire down but they got under it!
31 Jan, 2010
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Iris Foetidissima
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Iris Unguicularis
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Iris Siberica 'Blue King'
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Iris Siberica 'snow Queen'
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Iris Ensata
£8.50 at Burncoose
I should have loads like thes (Iris reticulata and similar) on my rockery but there are none coming up. The blasted mice keep eating them and my snowdrops!
31 Jan, 2010