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Summer downunder: Stormheads forming - a familiar sight during the 'wet' season downunder.


By Bernieh

Summer downunder: Stormheads forming - a familiar sight during the 'wet' season downunder.

As we were leaving the outskirts of our city we could these forming over the foothills where we live ... and yes, the rain pelted down in the afternoon once more.

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Hope you were home in the dry before the rain arrived.

6 Feb, 2010


Yes thanks Sueb ... made it home just before the rain poured down.

6 Feb, 2010


That's good... it rained hard all day on Wednesday I was working out on the nursery all day I'm tucked up in bed with my laptop and a big box of tissues and the flu :0(

6 Feb, 2010


Sorry to hear that Sueb ... hope it doesn't last long. Over here the next downpour will be arriving some time soon ... we can hear the thunder and it's just started to spit ... it's not as long a 'wet' season as last summer but it's still hard to get through.

6 Feb, 2010


Hope it doesn’t go on for too long. We have been forecast more snow this week and very cold temperatures down to -12 I'm staying here lol! Oh by the way changing the subject totally do you have a recipe for lamingtons? I have been asked to make some.

6 Feb, 2010


I'm hoping for an end soon ... the humidity is just too taxing! It's also very hard to get any gardening done at this time of year ... and the garden suffers quite a bit in the heat, the humidity and the heavy rainfall. Tried to do some work out there today ... but could only manage half hour sessions before I was completely soaked ... it's sweaty work.

Yes I do have a recipe for lamingtons Sueb ... fun to make but rather messy. I could send it to you in a PM if you like.

6 Feb, 2010


Sounds to me like you need to be in your courtyard with a long cool drink !

That would be great if you could PM me the recipe. Thanks Bernie.

6 Feb, 2010


He..he!! .. Actually I had the long cool drink ... but inside in the air-conditioning! Will send recipe now!

6 Feb, 2010


Good ! we are obviously thinking the same he...he Thank you :0)

6 Feb, 2010


Fascinating cloud formations!

6 Feb, 2010


Beautiful clouds, so like Africa. My Mom always use to say of these clouds, if only I had all that in (sheeps) wool, and we would as kids think, how strange to want all those clouds in wool. Missing the point by a mile. My parents were farmers in Africa............makes sense now!!!!

9 Feb, 2010



I love the large Cumulonimbus clouds! It reminds me when we start monsoon season here. They usually stay over the mountains though...and sometimes head west to the coast.

15 Feb, 2010


Yes they're so familiar here ... we've been seeing them for weeks now. Of course we've been getting the torrential downpours followed by lengthy light showers and some pretty good thunderstorms as well.

15 Feb, 2010


Hi Doon ... just caught up with your comment, sorry. They do look like huge masses of wool don't they ... your Mom was spot on!

15 Feb, 2010



Glad to hear you're receiving the much needed rain! Pretty soon all plants/trees will really green up.

We've had a lot of rain off-and-on over the last 3 we're in a winter's heat wave which started last Friday.

16 Feb, 2010


Yes the rain's been great ... now that it's settled back down to just heavy showers and not the torrential downpours. Good to hear you've had rain as well ... heat wave in winter! Crazy stuff.

17 Feb, 2010



The plants/trees must be lavishing in the wonderful warm/hot rains! Your grass must be greening up pretty well too.

Winter heat waves are not unusual...we have several each's always due to an off shore flow (SOSA = Sort of a Santa Ana) or a full-blown Santa Ana wind event. It can be pretty dangerous for our droughts because if it last too long it causes our drought to be worse.

17 Feb, 2010

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