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Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala

Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala (Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala)

I brought my palm in the house yesterday. It will look good in the house for a short time. Unfortunately, I don't think it can stay in the house too long because of potential bug problems and dry air. This palm has put out 4 fronds within one year which is pretty unusual...since it grows very slowly. Photo taken Feb. 8, 2010.

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Its got Gorgeous Leaves Del :)

10 Feb, 2010



Thanks! : > )

Yes, it is famous for its very large fronds which can grow to more than 7 feet / 2.3 meters in diameter.
This palm's largest frond is only 16 inches / 41cm. It has a long ways to go yet. : > )

10 Feb, 2010


thats a lovely plant

10 Feb, 2010


Beautiful leaves..........

10 Feb, 2010


like a pleated skirt.......

10 Feb, 2010


HOW BIG...7feet amazing ....:o))))))

10 Feb, 2010



Check out the pics of this palm on the internet...the fronds grow very large. : > )

12 Feb, 2010


Stunning leaves.

15 Feb, 2010



Thanks! : > )

The fronds will grow much larger in time.

15 Feb, 2010


Not seen this one before.

15 Feb, 2010



It's highly unlikely you'll see this palm for sale in the U. K. They only do well in a tropical or warm subtropical climate...and it's very, very rarely used as a house plant (even though it says often on the internet it can be used as a house plant...this palm is an understory tropical rain forest tree) prefers a heated greenhouse with a lot of heat and humidity.

16 Feb, 2010


No chance here then, it is such a beauty though.

16 Feb, 2010



Even here in San Diego...this palm is only available in some larger nurseries and in palm nurseries. I purchased this palm from a palm nursery in Northern San Diego County.

16 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala.

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