The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Our narrow garden in infancy!

Our narrow garden in infancy!

Actually a photo of a rope ladder that we have for sale on website Trademe, but you can see the narrowness of the garden area, and the few plants responding to a cool summer in NZ.

Comments on this photo


Welcome to GoY.
Your garden is nice and colourful

17 Feb, 2010


lovely garden, welcome to GOY

17 Feb, 2010


Welcome from me as well ... well you've made a start on changing the small space and those plants look very happy. The black fence does look good.

17 Feb, 2010


Welcome from me too what a lot of interest you have managed to get in. That ladder would make a great trellis along the fence to grow Clematis along?

17 Feb, 2010


welcome to GOy. you have a nice garden

17 Feb, 2010


Look lovely. Nice height in such a noarrow garden too. Welcome to GOY.

17 Feb, 2010


Thanks so much for the welcome and all your comments. Came home from the garden centre yesterday with two more Clianthus, an Escallonia, and some perennials - now the hard work starts again.....

17 Feb, 2010


Welcome from me, Enzedder! :)

19 Feb, 2010


Hello, Nice neat garden it maybe small but the insects and birds will use it, nice to sit out in too

2 Mar, 2010


will have to check out your gallery and see what it looks like now!

29 Mar, 2014

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