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Green Jade: Money Tree

Green Jade: Money Tree

This was a little bit I got from one I babysat years ago. Doing well and now freshly repotted and topped with pearl gravel.

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Looking good they do get quite big dont they?

18 Feb, 2010


Thank you. Yes, they will get quite big if you can keep them going. This end up looking so much like a real tree in miniature, I just loved the parent plant. Seems more prone to branch out than others I've seen.

19 Feb, 2010


my jade is getting huge too! I love these plants..but I had to acquire the affinity...for the longest time mine just sat still... I tried reverse psychology...I put it on the deck and ignored it for a whole summer... and it decided to reconcile right away! it's been growing happily ever since!!

20 Feb, 2010


:-) I killed them one after the other until this one. I really was careful with the parent babysitting, then I got the hang, finally. I always overspoiled them too.

21 Feb, 2010


I've never known a hardier plant...did you know that they blossom?

24 Feb, 2010



Jade plant does grow huge! I've seen them around 12 feet/ 3.7 meter tall here. However, not sure if they'll grow that tall in a pot.


Jade plants usually bloom starting in winter. Large shrubs are especially showy!

24 Feb, 2010


I have never seen a jade tree bloom...but found a picture (think it was on goY)...aparently they need a period of cold (almost freezing) and Schlumbergera and Poinsettia to stimulate flowering!

24 Feb, 2010


Sounds correct. (I've only seen it here too, pic of it wild somewhere tropical). Simulating a temperatre winter is a challenge for sure. I'm just going with no flowers. We'll see what happens if I summer it in the greenhouse. We get a nice short light and cool temp naturally end of august just before winter comes. Might do the trick.

24 Feb, 2010



Actually, you're correct. However, they don't need near freezing temps...they just need cool temps between 50 - 60 degrees/ 10 - 16 degrees C. at night. Freezing temps can damage Jade plants...even large ones. I've seen large plants turn to mush in temps about 3 degrees below freezing in inland areas of the San Francisco Bay Area.

They start blooming here in December through February. In Hawaii Jade plants bloom...and they don't receive cool temps at all there. I assume it's partially the shorter days which initiate blooms.

24 Feb, 2010


It goes to show that you have to be circumspect when researching on the inet...there seems to be a little confusion...perhaps for some in more tropical climes temps in the 10 to 16 degree range feels like near freezing??!! lol....mine were on the deck and survived temps of lower than ten degrees...but not for long! I brought it indoors immediately...but it didn't bloom! I just think of myself as the exception that proves the rule!! to day are probably on the money there (hahaha) I'm going to try to get mine to bloom next autumn/winter.

26 Feb, 2010



You're so correct! I have found many things on the internet not to be true. Sometimes I have to go to my old books. : > )

Yes, in tropical climate 65 - 70 degrees F. / 16 - 21 degrees C. is considered cold...I know this first hand from my family in Hawaii...when the temps drop below 70 F. / 21 C. they're freezing to death! lol! : > )

I hope you can get your Jade plant to bloom this coming autumn/winter!

27 Feb, 2010


will be sure to post pics...if I'm successful!

27 Feb, 2010



Sounds good! : > )

28 Feb, 2010

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