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Wisteria Falls

Wisteria Falls

This wisteria took eight years to flower, I had almost given up hope! When it finally did, it was worth the wait, it was breath-taking. Such a pity the blooms last such a short time, but a moment captured in time with my camera and treasured long after the flowers had faded.

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Stunning wisteria... definitely worth the wait :o)

9 Mar, 2010


What a great idea - I bet it smells fantastic under there. :-)

9 Mar, 2010


it looks fantastic,

9 Mar, 2010


Thanks for the comments TT, Muddywalters and Yorkshire,I am really proud of this Wisteria, though think it's all down to Mother Nature as she does all the hard work lol! One vital lesson I have learnt from positioning a Wisteria, don't do as I did and wind the branches through trellis, those branches soon become thick and strain against the wooden trellis, and the trellis always comes off worse. Wisteria is a bit of a thug so bewarned! Oh hum, lesson learnt lol x

9 Mar, 2010


omg 8 years my flowered 1st time but my lerbernum is 4 now and still none lol . ur wisteria very pretty , was trying 2 grow 1 up my pergola untill rossie desided she wud give it a trim lol. its still there wth a bottol over it and wire cage. its just stated buding again so heres hoping and u r right bt the trellis

24 May, 2010


You were very lucky, Cristina! Mine now flowers every year, and I have a Laburnum it the back of the Pergola that flowers at the same time, so it does look really nice in May. Yes, my poor trellis definitely losing the battle with the thickening trunks of the Wisteria~winding it through that was areally bad idea! Lol!! Hope your Wisteria bounces back soon :~))

25 May, 2010


thanxs any ideas on wit to do wththe laberurnum lol my idea was to train it tho the arch wth the rose. and that i great. rose fab but tree urgggg help x

25 May, 2010


How did I miss this???? It's fantastic!!! I will be ready to plant mine soon and they are both full of buds, both amethyst falls, (bought one from Malvern) but feel a little nervous as I've never had wisteria before:-)

25 May, 2010


Hi Ba! Wisterias are usually not that difficult to look after, and Amethyst Falls has been a recent introduction over the last couple of years, as being an easier one to produce flowers, as it is not unknown for Wisterias to take between 6 to 10 years to produce it's first crop of blooms~I had almost given up on mine altogether! Ha ha ha! Whatever you do, don't wind it between trellis, as the stems soon turn into trunks, and end up destroying whatever sits inbetween,so bewarned!! If I remember rightly they need to be pruned twice or three times a year, but you should be able to find easy access to advice regarding this. I hope you have many happy years with your new Wisterias, Ba, and get to enjoy the magic that they create each May my friend! :~))

26 May, 2010


I'm panicking now!!!!! what do you mean about winding it between trellis?????? See how panicky I am EEEEK ...TRUNKS....DESTROYING.....What have I done????? :-0

26 May, 2010


Lol, Ba, there is no need to panic, honest!!! As you can see from my posted pict, our Wisteria is grown up against our Pergola, and when I first put it in, I wound the branches through the open trellis work, thinking it would help support it~WRONG! It is better just to tie it onto the surface, as the stems age, they become thick wooden trunks, and as they thicken, they twist the trellis work so it becomes very distorted and eventually has to be removed. In the early days, this is not a problem, so if you have done similar, you can correct it before it becomes the headache it has for me~just wanted to warn others not to make the same mistake I have~just wish someone had warned me! lol! Hope that has helped put your mind at rest my friend....... :~))

27 May, 2010


Whew Flori lol, that's a relief! I'll just tie it to the arch then. I haven't even got my arch yet, but I think it will only be about a week 'til I can start planting out. The w.amethyst falls has smaller racemes than others and I think it's a smaller plant altogether, but I may be wrong. I've read on some sites that wisteria can take over your garden if you're not careful, perhaps that's just one type?? Maybe I should keep the roots confined? Do you think it would flower facing east? :-)

27 May, 2010


This sounds so exciting, Ba! As to it being a smaller plant, I take on board what a friend of mine use to say, who owned a nursery,if it's happy where it is, it will keep growing! The size they state, can be very much an approximation only. It wouldn't be the first time I have been seen, scratching my head at a 6ft plant that said 3ft, believe me! hahaha!
Like any plant, it can easily be kepted in check by pruning, so you don't need to go running for the hills yet, my friend! It would be worth looking up some info regarding Wisteria, but I don't think the roots are too invasive, at least my ones certainly aren't! My one gets exposed to the east, and still seems to flower ok, though if it's slightly sheltered from the winds, it will keep the flowers longer.
A well looked after Wisteria should give you many years of absolute joy, Ba, and make your heart sing in May :~))
Have just seen a fantastic and informative blog about Wisterias by Bonkersbon, it is well worth checking out Ba! xxx

28 May, 2010


Stunning wisterias Flori, well worth the wait,

25 Aug, 2010


I never thought that we would get there with this, Pip, it took 8 years before it finally showed what it could do, but has flowered every year since...thanks for your kind words my friend... :~))x

26 Aug, 2010

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