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Papaver rhoeas Shirley Series


By Wagger

Papaver rhoeas Shirley Series (Papaver rhoeas Shirley Series)

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Beautiful ..:o)

10 Mar, 2010


just love the colour of this

10 Mar, 2010


It's lovely. Isn't it a bit early or does this one normally flower at this time?
Sorry, should have read the date before commenting. Silly twit.

10 Mar, 2010


Just adding it to my 'Garden' section - you're never a silly twit, Toto! I found this photo when I was going through my photos on here downloading them to replace the ones I've lost in a computer crash!

10 Mar, 2010


I bought an external hard drive and upload anything I want to save onto that to avoid just that sort of problem. It'll be alright until the hard drive goeswrong.

11 Mar, 2010


That's what I've done now, Toto. Most stuff was backed up on a slave drive which although damaged my lovely computer man was able to rescue everything apart from some photos so not much lost - and I was able to download all my flower ones from here. I now back up automatically every time I turn the computer on.

11 Mar, 2010


Bought these to sow, loved the look of them, was going to do a blog on them with all the information re their background........just fell for the pretty colours.

12 Mar, 2010


I'll definitely give them another go but try a different seed company to see if I get a few less orangy-red which was the predominant colour in this sowing.

12 Mar, 2010


We bought ours from a lovely firm on eBay, wont know what the colours will be until later on in the season.........

12 Mar, 2010


Keep us posted, Daisy.

13 Mar, 2010


Will do my friend........

13 Mar, 2010


This is gorgeous.

16 Mar, 2010


Thanks, Sixpence

17 Mar, 2010


Your welcome Wagger

17 Mar, 2010

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This photo is of "Papaver rhoeas Shirley Series" in Wagger's garden

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