The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Dragon Tree


By Balcony

Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)

Now it has become very elongated but its twisting shape makes for an interesting effect when the sun shines through the window & the blinds!

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What a great effect!

14 Mar, 2010


That is a beautiful shape.

14 Mar, 2010


It does look good, doesn't it? Especially when you see it in the morning when the sun comes in through the East facing window & the stripes from the blind fall on the plant, as you can see in the above photo.

This photo was taken only a few days ago.

I think I may try air layering it, as Richard did with his Schefflera.

14 Mar, 2010


Should be successful. A bit of a long wait, but its rooted and ready when cut that way. I've only done a rubber tree.

14 Mar, 2010


I've also read about that way of regenerating a rubber tree but as I've never had one - nor any other plant till now that could be air layered - I've never had the opportunity of trying it out.

14 Mar, 2010


Wow that is gorgeous!

23 Dec, 2011


Thanks, Paul! I´m glad you like it but it has changed a bit since I took that photo as now I have a Jasmine climbing up all over it!

Take a look here for a more actual view:

25 Dec, 2011


It's so lovely just seen it

25 Dec, 2011


Glad you liked it! :-))

26 Dec, 2011


very much - getting one by Spring for upstairs room

26 Dec, 2011


Mine has got like it is after a number of years! If you want twisted stems like on mine you must have it facing one light source for a whole year before turning it around 90 degrees so it can twist back on itself! This was unintentionally done!

27 Dec, 2011


that is cool - guess what I bought today !!! yes got one myself so will try this method

27 Dec, 2011


Was it a small plant? I've seen them as plants about 30cm high in the supermarkets. Our plant must be about 9 years old I think. The roots are trying to get out of the pot! I can't put it in a bigger pot as they it wouldn't fit in the bamboo pot holder my wife bought for it a few years ago. I don't think it could live outside on the balcony, at least not permanently. I could perhaps put it outside once all danger of frost has past, say from May till October. the plant at present must be about 1,5m tall from the soil level in its pot.

28 Dec, 2011


have a pic up of it - on first page :))))

28 Dec, 2011

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This photo is of "Dragon tree" in Balcony's garden

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