The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean Tree

Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean Tree  (Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean Tree)

Close up of the winged-leaves on the Ice Cream Bean tree. My Ice Cream Bean tree has been in the same terra cotta pot for 13 years. The roots always grow into the ground which I have to cut once a year or the tree will grow too quickly. I keep this tree at about 10 feet / 3 meters tall...however, a 13 year old tree in the ground wound be around 50 feet/ 15 meters tall with close to the same width. Photo taken March 11, 2010.

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Wow loads of ice creams then...;o))))

16 Mar, 2010



Ice Cream Bean trees produces many seeds pods. It's so nice to pick a few
pods off the tree and eat the cotton-candy like filling. : > )

16 Mar, 2010

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This photo is of species Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean Tree.

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