Tulipa 'Early Harvest'
By Spritzhenry

19 Mar, 2010
Thanks, badgers, for leaving me a few! :-))
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Skillen. They do brighten the place up! :-))
19 Mar, 2010
Simply stunning! :o)
19 Mar, 2010
They're dwarf, and 'bright'!! :-))))
19 Mar, 2010
Thats a lovely combination..........
19 Mar, 2010
very pretty barbara :o)
19 Mar, 2010
Thanks - I planted 5 dozen of these - so I'm really pleased that at least some are here to look at, after the badgers ate so many.
19 Mar, 2010
im so glad they didnt get them all, when you work so hard planting, hope they got belly ache :o)
19 Mar, 2010
Me too - a very good punishment! Bad, bad badgers.......:-(((((((((
19 Mar, 2010
:o( lets hope doesnt happen again
19 Mar, 2010
It won't - we have the electric fence now, and as long as we keep checking the battery, and they don't dig another tunnel, all will be well. If they 'do' tunnel again, OH says he can add more wire to the battery. They only have to touch the wire - and OUCH!!
Hahaha (Evil laugh!!)
19 Mar, 2010
lol barbara could just imagine you rubbing your hands together with evil laugh,
glad its sorted, just enough of a shock to detere them , thats good :o)
19 Mar, 2010
Well, you'll remember how upset I was - OH decided that enough was enough. :-))))))))) I wish I could watch them try to come in, though - I would be laughing! Cruel, aren't I...
19 Mar, 2010
aww barbara i bet you wouldnt laugh your to much an animal lover,, it does the trick which is good and probably doesnt hurt them more a fright really, enough to stop them in their tracks :o)
19 Mar, 2010
I would laugh at them getting a 'shock', Sandra - they've wrecked my garden too often. When they get their snouts into the grass or in a container, the garden looks like a bomb site - or a ploughed field...and you know how long I spend getting it looking good. :-(((((((((
19 Mar, 2010
i know , i would probably feel the same to, its soul distroying,, ive never known it happen to anyone before, have you, your well protected now which is great, henry doesnt go near fence does he :o(
19 Mar, 2010
He does jump up near there for a bark if he hears the cattle in the field - but as far as I know, he hasn't touched the wire. Of course he can't tell me, but he won't do it twice, will he? He touched an electric fence in a field once - he just yelped.
19 Mar, 2010
Gone on to my favourites Spritz....stunning...:>)
19 Mar, 2010
awww poor henry, like you say if he did wouldnt do it again,
19 Mar, 2010
Thanks, Motinot! :-))
Sandra - he shouldn't jump up on my flowerbeds anyway! I'm always telling him. Does he listen? Nope!
19 Mar, 2010
its a male thing barbara, lol
19 Mar, 2010
These are just stunning! What a great color.
20 Mar, 2010
These are so bright and wonderful!
20 Mar, 2010
LOL, Sandra!
Gt - TWO comments? Wow - thanks!
20 Mar, 2010
Perhaps if you showed these to the badgers they would leave the bulbs alone so they could see the flowers too!
20 Mar, 2010
Do you know - they caused me trouble every year for 5 years, much more so this year, and I've never set eyes on one! Not fair, is it? I could blow the photo up, print it, and shove it down the tunnel for them to admire! LOL.
20 Mar, 2010
They'd appreciate that - then eat it! Roughage! LOL
20 Mar, 2010
20 Mar, 2010
Wow there stunning.
20 Mar, 2010
lovely colour
20 Mar, 2010
Thanks, Carol & Holly. I have to admit to being delighted that the b*****s left a few for me! :-)))
20 Mar, 2010
Am laughing as I write this Spritz, such great and funny comments! lol, love the pic, its a beauty :o)))
20 Mar, 2010
Glad you liked the photo, Flori, and had a laugh as well! We aim to please. ;-)))
20 Mar, 2010
Stunning shade of orange.......very Christo.......
20 Mar, 2010
Very! I've planted orange tulips in my big blue pot this year, as well.....I think he'd approve. :-))
20 Mar, 2010
this just zings doesnt it.
hadnt realised you had had badger trouble before.
glad you got to see your display too.
21 Mar, 2010
Every spring, Sbg. They used to come in and try to plough the lawn. Grrrr.....
21 Mar, 2010
Maybe you should try Jasper Carrots trick of how he was trying to get rid of moles in his garden ha ha ha! think it involved a revolving chair and a shot gun if my memory serves me right lol! Doubt that you'd get any Spritz, but you would amuse the neighbours no end hee hee hee!!!
22 Mar, 2010
Maybe they'd be on the receiving end, Flori! LOL. (Don't ask....)
22 Mar, 2010
Hahaha Spritz, I know what you mean! Can't help having mental visions though lol! Maybe they just need a stiff talking to, the badgers, not the neighbours, although, come to think of it........lol {o))
22 Mar, 2010
The badgers used to hear some v.v.v.v.naughty words when they'd dug up my lawn for the umpteenth time! Maybe if I tried the same tactics? Hmmm...but it didn't work, did it, so maybe not. lol.
23 Mar, 2010
Do you reckon your neighbours would like your quota of moles as well as their own? I hear Badger Stew very tasty Spritz!! lol! :~))
23 Mar, 2010
Moles?? I do NOT want any other wild life, thanks, Flori! We've had badgers, rabbits, mice, rats, pigeons - and do they go visiting? Nope - they enjoy it here too much. Only one rat went for a short visit. Very short - and fatal. Oooohhh!!!. Nasty! :-(((
23 Mar, 2010
Do I hear the distant strains of ' Ben' being sung in the background, Spritz? lol! Oops, sorry, that was the Badger Liberation Front, who slipped in there whilst I was distracted from my keyboard, by a decoy mole! Blimey, this is begining to sound like Captain Beaky and his band of animals! No honest, wasn't suggesting you take on further pests, it's all the BLFs fault that moles came into the equation in the first place!!! ( Have now collapsed over my keyboard in tears of mirth, so am now submitting this whilst still upright!!!!) :~)))
23 Mar, 2010
Now you've got me giggling, Flori! LOL. Tell those moles to KEEP BACK...or...or...or...something!!!! Grrrrr... I know - I'll set Henry on them!
23 Mar, 2010
Hear they make great moleskin shoes, they would have to be very tiny though to fit their little feet wouldn't they Spritz? The BLF feel they've been infiltrated by an underground spy, who is passing on information about their movements, someone's been 'ratting' on them, and the mice arn't squealing, and the wabbits too busy bonking to assist in uncovering the perpertrator, so it looks like the pigeon attack flying squad will have to do a fly over taking aerial photographs to locate the enema, sorry that should have been enemy!! Boy! this is really exciting! Will keep you updated, once the medication I now have to take kicks in, or before they cart me off to the loonybin, whichever comes first hee hee hee!!
23 Mar, 2010
Oh dear - another Loony for the GOY Treatment Centre! LOL. YOU have flipped, Flori! :-(((
23 Mar, 2010
Ah, but I did make you laugh and take your mind off of badgers eating your beautiful plants didn't I Spritz!! lol :~)), so in a warped kind of way it worked, there is madness in my method I can assure you! Am now going with the nice men from the GoY treatment Centre, they really do get here fast don't they?!!
23 Mar, 2010
Yes - men in white coats LURK.......lol.
23 Mar, 2010
Would reply to this, but already incarcerated, visiting permit on way to you Spritz lol! Keep an eye out for the Badger Liberation Front my friend! hee hee :o))
25 Mar, 2010
How kind of you to mention the tulips that started this conversation off, Homebird! I'm surprised that you were able to see to type the comment! ;-))
25 Mar, 2010
that's a beauty
26 Mar, 2010
I shall order some more next year - I do like them. Maybe I'll get to keep more than 5 next year, though! :-))))
26 Mar, 2010
Oops, so sorry Homebird, am not too sure where it all came from, but when Spritz is so good at feeding me a line, I just run with it ha ha ha! Am so glad you enjoyed the banter though, and it made you laugh out loud, must admit I had a lot of fun with this, and poor Spritz just got caught up in the middle of it with her wonderful sense of humour in replying! Spritz, your Tulipa 'Early Harvest' is beautiful, and going in as my favourite, and thank you so much for keeping me smiling! Am now off to write a very strongly worded letter to the BLF, about leaving your tulips alone in future! Will keep you updated on their activities my friend!!! :~))
26 Mar, 2010
Thank you, dear Flori. I'm sure they'll listen to 'you'! :-)))
26 Mar, 2010
It's either that or Jaspers revolving chair and shotgun again Spritz!! lol :~))
26 Mar, 2010
I've got the revolving chair - I'm actually sitting on it - I'd have to sweet-talk or bribe our farmer neighbour for the shotgun, though!
26 Mar, 2010
Ha ha ha, Spritz, you have no idea what visions you have conjured up in my head! Maybe, if you get a toy gun, it will be enough to scare them as to your intentions, and next thing you see will be a little white flag as they submit to the threat! Quite a cunning ploy don't you think????? :~)) (Mind you, do watch out for the flashing blue lights and men in uniform, as this could be a little tough to explain as they bundle you in the Police car and cart you off to the nick!)!!!
26 Mar, 2010
I've gone right off that idea, Flori! I'd have to sit in the middle of the field next door anyway, and there are steers in there - I don't like them at all. They're so nosey - they surround us if H. and I go in a field with them on a walk...it's scary! So no chance........................................
26 Mar, 2010
so have you had any more trouble with the badger since you used the Jeyes? or did you have to do more to stop them?
27 Mar, 2010
I ran out of the old Jeyes, Grindle, and the new stuff has been changed by order of the EU.....it has NO smell!
So they didn't take any notice of that - and came back in. OH realised I was fighting a losing battle and was distressed, so he put an electric fence up for me. Since then, no badgers! :-)))))
They might try tunnelling under the fence further along, but he can extend the wiring if that happens.
27 Mar, 2010
You just watch out the BLF don't start taking up pole-vaulting Spritz lol!! :~))
27 Mar, 2010
.....or even pole-dancing, Flori - what a sight that would be!!!
27 Mar, 2010
Now Wagger, THAT is a sight I would pay to see hee hee hee! You as nutty as me my friend!! LOL :~))
27 Mar, 2010
Pole vaulting badgers? YIKES!!! All for 5 tulips?? Surely not? LOL.
I shall ignore the pole-dancing...we don't 'do'that in rural Somerset!
27 Mar, 2010
good luck, hope you hold onto that 5. Strangely the one that comes into my garden leaves my bulbs alone, maybe I feed it too well:)))
28 Mar, 2010
The two that came in here rooted up the lawns EVERY year, as well as helping themselves to bulbs and corms this year!
28 Mar, 2010
no wonder you got so mad with them, I did notice yesterday mine had dug round the base of my bay tree though :( I put a lot of that 'scent off' used for cats, I'll see later if it worked
29 Mar, 2010
Hmmm...I hope it does, but if you have an 'old style' Jeyes, that certainly does work.
29 Mar, 2010
No I have only the new style, but I had a look, and it didn't come in last night, will put some more down tonight in the entrance and see
29 Mar, 2010
Fingers crossed for you, then. :-/
29 Mar, 2010
:( no that didn't work, it's been digging again, back to the drawing board
30 Mar, 2010
Oh no! I really sympathise, Grindle. What a thorough nuisance for you! :-((
30 Mar, 2010
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These are my favourite colours, they look really nice with the yellow primrose.
19 Mar, 2010