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Cannot keep these enormous bees out of the house....

Cannot keep these enormous bees out of the house....

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This is great. Can always sense a bit of menace when the culprit appears in comic. :-) I wonder what brings them in.

25 Mar, 2010


Are they after your Mother's Day cake, DD2?

25 Mar, 2010


well at least someone got some Gee lol , great pic dotty

25 Mar, 2010


Another one in today, this time had a fight with a spider had to rescue the bee!! lol

26 Mar, 2010


Greenthumb, wish I knew, as soon as the doors are open in they fly, not sure whether it is the same bee or a different one, apparently they are all Queen Bees. Managed to get the spider out, the last time it bit the bee and killed it...!!

27 Mar, 2010


really dotty, a spider bit a bee, how big was spider,,,

27 Mar, 2010


Very small about as big as my thumb nail, it was quite horrible, the Bumblebee was in such distress, had to use my tickling stick to rescue it.......I would never have believed it, if I had not seen it happen.

27 Mar, 2010


how orid dotty, mind you we have biting spiders now which can live in the south apparently, watch a program on people in our country who have been bitten dotty, and have had to go to hospital for treatment, our climate change allows spiders to survive which are transported through cargo,

27 Mar, 2010


I am hoping all this cold weather will have got rid of a few.......

29 Mar, 2010

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