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This is Polly


By Jacque

This is Polly

Me&my Daughter found her last friday in a Car Park with a Hurt Leg & Wing :( She was also very thin & weak,I caught her & brought her home with us & feed her some Wild Bird Food which has Wheat & Split Maze in , Iv kept Pigeons b4 & will be keeping her as a Pet now as shes unable to fly & i cant bring myself to have her put 2 sleep when she seems so happy & healthy again,

Comments on this photo


Ahhhh! How sad, `Is the wing and leg damaged that much, that Polly
cannot fly? Will Polly when stronger, be able to fly again? If not...Would
it not be better to be Cruel to be Kind... I hate saying this Jacque, but
don`t you agree!! `How kind you are Jacque......

26 Mar, 2010


Hi Frees she is walking lots better & gained some strenght & weight :) im hopeing her wing will mend in time & give her to My Fellas Bruv who breeds Racing Pigeons as he has said he`l keep her 4 me ,She doesnt seem to be in any pain & has become very tame,i will think about your words Frees & see how she is in a few wks time

26 Mar, 2010


Oh! I am glad she is getting stronger thats different....I only said that if there
was no hope of Polly ever flying again, I do hope she gets strong and fit
again, its nice to know she is going to be in good hands...Bless her!!
I will be praying she gets well soon : >))

26 Mar, 2010


Iv had her out this morning Frees & she does try 2 fly now which is a good sign as all wk she has`nt been useing her Poorly Wing :) Thanx 4 saying a Pray 4 her :)X

26 Mar, 2010


what a lovely out come for her, she is one lucky pigeon, welcome to GOY Polly.

26 Mar, 2010


I'm pleased there has been some improvement in Pollys condition Jacque, I'm sure your TLC has gone a long way towards her recovery .. .. Lets hope the wing strengthens in time ..she is a very lucky pigeon .... :o))

26 Mar, 2010


Good news that Polly is recovering and trying to fly, fingers crossed she makes it, you have lots of patience Jac well done!

26 Mar, 2010


Thanx Clarice shes very tame & i love her little face :) She now sits on my fingers Amy & is gripping with her poorly legs toes which is so much better now as she couldnt put her foot down when i found her :( I think my Patience comes with my love for Animals PP :)

26 Mar, 2010


im gla dyou were able to look after her.....

26 Mar, 2010


aww im glad you have taken her in jacque i would do the same, im sure she will be ok with you even if she doesnt fly again, how do the cats take to her, she looks safe in the cage anyway :o))

26 Mar, 2010


Poor Polly but how lucky that you were there for her, Jacque. Hope she makes a full recovery.

26 Mar, 2010


sure she will go from strength to strength with you to care for her Jacque.Well done for giving her another chance !

27 Mar, 2010


Poor pretty Polly...It's good you've taken her, Jacque! Hope everything will be OK with her...

28 Mar, 2010


Hi every 1 thanx 4 your caring words & your faith in me :) Pollys enjoying all the attention myself & family r giveing her :) Febe,Sox&Puss dont take any notice of her any more either which is good hey San :)

29 Mar, 2010


thats great jacque, hope he starts to fly one day soon :o)

29 Mar, 2010


Thanx San iv just been outside to feed Her & Puss came with me :) lol

29 Mar, 2010


lol, not like casper then, while in the garden yesterday casper was sat on bench hiding under baz`s fleece watching pigeons, i said to baz he is so good not bothering them,,,, hahah then suddenly he pounced,, pigeon went one way and he went the other, a close shave,, i do keep him in while birds are feeding first thing, leave it about an hour then he can go out :o)

29 Mar, 2010


He was Hideing from them & getting ready San !!! lol Puss is just a Nosey cat & likes 2 see what im up 2 :) Febe gave me a Fright yesterday ! i was in GH watering seedlings ect & she must of squezzed in the Door Gap & she jumped on 2 my back when i was lent over, i wondered what the hell it was cos i though id shut the GH door lol :)

29 Mar, 2010


lol bet you almost had a heart attack, they do sneak up dont they, im going to put angelina to rest when i start my planting, it will be a sad day but she will be in her garden forever then :o) casper has helped me so much to come to terms with losing her though, he is such a fun cat

29 Mar, 2010


Its lovely 2 know Angelina will b close to u when your in your garden San& i knew Casper would help heel your broken heart ;) Big Hug X

29 Mar, 2010


thanx so much jacque :o)) xx

29 Mar, 2010


I`m so pleased that Polly has found you to take care of her, she looks happy enough in the photo. :o)

1 Apr, 2010


You are very kind Jacque to do this :-)

1 Apr, 2010


Yw San :) Polly has ben out in garden today doing little Flights !!! :)

6 Apr, 2010

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