How to best fill out your feathers!
By Oddbillie
- 26 Mar, 2010
Quite the cutie......
Comments on this photo
must be feeling a bit chilly Dan, cute arent they :o)
26 Mar, 2010
Brilliant San. this is taken from the landing window as he sits there most of day in porch guttering just singing and calling out to anyone who'll listen!
26 Mar, 2010
Lovely little chap, cute and fluffy :)
26 Mar, 2010
awww hes lovely
26 Mar, 2010
Very cute.
26 Mar, 2010
Thats a brill photo OB
27 Mar, 2010
Used to be a common sight...glad to see you have a house sparrow,Hope he finds a mate !
27 Mar, 2010
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