Narcissus 'Ellen'
By Spritzhenry

27 Mar, 2010
I think it might be 'Ellen', but I can't be sure.
Comments on this photo
Love the transparency through the petals Spritz, it really 'glows'. :~))
28 Mar, 2010
Hmmm...that was something called 'sun' which has now gone away.......again........
29 Mar, 2010
This is so pretty. The snow has finally left but my earth is still frozen, nothing is even considering peaking its head yet!
29 Mar, 2010
Oh - poor you! Not easy to grow things in your part of the world, then!
29 Mar, 2010
You one funny lady Spritz!! And there was I trying to be all poetic like.....Lol :~))
30 Mar, 2010
Well, it was a good effort, Flori! 7/10, I think. lol.
30 Mar, 2010
Ooh, I'm gutted Spritz, crushed beyond repair, my poetic ramblings crumpled under foot, discarded like yesterdays newspaper...etc...etc...etc(you get the idea?) Only a 7???? Was at least worth an 8 and a bit surely? Am now going off to contemplate my navel............LOL :~))
31 Mar, 2010
You'd have got an 8 or even a 9 if it had rhymed!!!! lol.
1 Apr, 2010
Thought I'd post this little dittz, just for my good friend Spritz, just to show that I deserve a 9 or 10. A narcissus bright as this, I would hardly want to miss, and her name I hear is possibly 'Ellen'?. Glowing softly in the light, a diffused transparent sight, 'tis not the sun that casts this luminescent glow,but the joy that can be found, as she pops up from the ground,with the light of life within her, don't you know! :~)) Ta dar!! lol . (Just for you Spritz!)
1 Apr, 2010
Your brain must hurt after that - so have a gold star and a loooonnngggg rest, Flori! *
2 Apr, 2010
Duh....what brain Spritz?? Thanks for gold star, will wear it on my little white jacket with those funny straps that tie up at the back tee hee hee.......... :~))))
3 Apr, 2010
3 Apr, 2010
Oh nothing but the latest fashion for us here at the nutty farm Spritz lol!!
3 Apr, 2010
LOL. When are the visiting hours?
3 Apr, 2010
Got your visitors permit in the post even as we speak Spritz....tee hee hee :~))
3 Apr, 2010
Thanks - I won't come on Easter Monday if that's OK - the traffic will be awful!
4 Apr, 2010
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Mixed Narcissus For Naturalising (Mixed Daffodil Collection Bulbs)
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Thats pretty.
28 Mar, 2010