Just moving things around
By Littledove

27 Apr, 2008
Comments on this photo
It looks so modern.
28 Apr, 2008
Yes I agree, sadly it's very difficult to get that instant overgrown look on a modern development, & like us all, we weather with time :)
I had the paving laid last August so it's still in it's 1st year, with little plants, hence why I have tended to gather them together for wee displays, while the plants are growing & until I can fill out the garden with more plants over time.
I open to all suggestions :)
28 Apr, 2008
It would be difficult - no, impossible - to get an instant OVERgrown look (with anything but weeds) anywhere, Litltledove, not just in new gardens. That would require immense OVERheads and OVERdrafts! Although, I (like many here?) would admit to going OVER budget when buying stuff at the garden centre, etc - but only a wee bit! Clematis montana will cover the fence quickly. Avoid Russian Vine, tho, it stinks and attracts swarms of wasps (in my experience, anyhow).
29 Apr, 2008
Thanks David, there is honeysuckle on the other side of the fence & is beginning to grow through on my side, which is an added bonus lol.
Along the back fence I have planted winter & summer Jasmine in the hope that I have colour all year with one or the other in flower, but it doesn't seem to grow very fast, although doing well despite the fact that I had planted them out too early and nearly lost them.
I will plant clematis behind the Buddha and see how that goes :)
30 Apr, 2008
This looks lovely!!!
30 Jan, 2009
I think this looks great LD. What a nice place to sit.
7 Feb, 2009
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Well, with so many lovely things to play around with - why not? Looks great.
27 Apr, 2008