Getting large leaves now
By Mushybanna

8 Apr, 2010
Comments on this photo
But what is it?????????????????/
10 Apr, 2010
Is it a lily???????? :-)
11 Apr, 2010
I cannot believe you have not told us what this is, how much longer do we have to wait Mushy?
12 Apr, 2010
OK i give in i'll tell you what it is ..Its a...............Oh the phones ringing must answer that will have to tell you later.........:o)))))))))))))
13 Apr, 2010
You little!!!
13 Apr, 2010
You were right DD when you said i had forgotten.......
If you remember i did say right at the start what is it ? because i didn't know..hehehehehe
But having asked my mother has told me its Crinodenderon but i'm not so sure
as she has lost all her marbles now poor dear..
14 Apr, 2010
You're pullin' me wooden leg!!! Don't look much like a crino to me, even wi' the hookerianum suffix! An', don' tell me anything about losin' marbles! :-)
Oh, I love those leaves, whatever they belong to!!
14 Apr, 2010
David ...sorry should have known better than to listen to dotty dear old mother..!!
Having checked out the goypedia & RHS can say its ....Drum roll please........... .............................
it is an Acanthus
Well done DD2.................:o))))
15 Apr, 2010
If it 'is' an Acanthus, i hope you love it, because it's the absolute devil to get rid of if you don't.
It took me almost 3 years to finally get rid the one that was here, when i moved in.
15 Apr, 2010
Its in a pot so no worries there..
15 Apr, 2010
Ahhh, very wise, Mushy :-))))
15 Apr, 2010
Well Mushy I have to come clean OH helped me with that one, I looked at ours in the garden and wondered if it might be, then OH agreed with me.....
15 Apr, 2010
Is this an Acanthus mollis? If it're lucky you have it in a pot.
I have horrible memories of trying to eradicate this plants when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. It's also a snail haven! : > )
21 Apr, 2010
We have all this to come, ours is only a baby, and a baby it will stay lol
21 Apr, 2010
Now, I'm gonna confess i no nothing about this plant other than it was in my mum's garden when i saw it, is quite large with big leaves, which is why i was attracted to it .
She has had it a few years now and it hasn't spread any where ,it dies off in winter and comes back with a little one next to it but still hasn't gone any where..
Perhaps it is a different variety ?
22 Apr, 2010
Acanthus mollis grows to a very large plants here in California. It grows just the opposite as it does there...growing very quickly and blooming in winter and going semi-dormant in summer. However, it does have a tuberous root-system which can spreads very quickly. The flower spikes can grow very tall: to more than 8 feet / 2.5 meters tall.
I'm not familiar with any varieties...however, it's very possible there's some dwarf forms.
22 Apr, 2010
Acanthus Spinosus (AGM) and Mollis are the ones usually grown here.It can be divided and will only take over if you let it, we never had a problem with it in the Midlands so I am not expecting one here.......a great architectural plant.
22 Apr, 2010
It looks good in someone yard...just not mine. lol!
I grow so many genera in the Acanthaceae family (Acanthus family) though. It's my favorite flowering plant family. The genera I grow are: Megaskepasma, Crossandra, Mackaya, Pachystachys, Odontonema, Thunbergia, Justicia, Ruellia, Strobilanthes and Aphelandra.
22 Apr, 2010
You have covered a good selection there, have you a large garden?
24 Apr, 2010
It's pretty large...however, not large enough! : > )
The front yard is larger than the back but there's a very tall 80+ ft/25+ meters Norfolk Island Pine - Araucaria heterophylla, a 50 ft/16 meters tall Jacaranda tree with the same spread and a 35 ft./ 11 meters tall Magnolia grandiflora. I have several pics of my garden posted on GoY.
25 Apr, 2010
Must have a look Delonix.......those trees are pretty dam big!!!
25 Apr, 2010
Yes, they are...however, the Norfolk Island Pine is still a baby -- as it can grow to 200 feet / 61 meter tall here in coastal California.
The Jacaranda trees in San Diego, CA. started blooming about 3 weeks ago...however, mine hasn't bloomed yet...maybe in a week or so -- it's full of buds now.
26 Apr, 2010
Will look out for the photo Delonix.......
26 Apr, 2010
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Wow! That's amazing and looks so healthy - almost makes you want to eat it!!
9 Apr, 2010