Daylily "bela lugosi"
By Daylily

14 Apr, 2010
neglected daylily which didnt flower last year and i have potted up and am going to look after as best i can and hopefully get some flowers!
Comments on this photo
thanks simbad, i love all the advice i can get, especially from the expert!! it was in a plastic pot so i just planted it to the same depth as in the pot, it was from Barnsdale Gardens stall at the Gardeners World Live i think two years ago, it did flower that year but not last year, but dont shout at me i left it in the pot which i am notorious for because i cant resist buying the plants but then not sure where to put them in the garden, as the garden is a work in progress and the borders need a bit of work, which i am definitely hoping to do this year. so i hope i have planted it ok. PS i have been giving it some Miracle Grow feed once a week, do you think that is ok? i might get me some of that seaweed feed. Sorry if ive waffled on a bit!!! PPS its grown quite a bit in the last 2 weeks. the daylily in my photos is the same plant when i bought it
30 Apr, 2010
You're not the only one Daylily, I have 8 new ones in pots waiting for a new home,lol, can see the daylily bed will have to be extended.
Should be ok if its at the same level as in the pot, miracle grow should be fine, used to encourage flowering isn't it? never used it myself, use the seaweed feed for daylilies and pelleted chicken poo in the rest of the garden, oh and rose food for the roses.
They are growing really fast now aren't they ,I have five with flower spikes developing, a bit early but I'm not complaining, bought loads of new ones last year can't wait for them to flower.
1 May, 2010
thanks simbad, im hoping i might get two flowers cos ther are two lots of leaf growing? but i think a long way to go yet no where near as forward as yours sound, do you only have to feed them seaweed feed once or regularly until flowering? i have read they like plenty of water. So looking forward to seeing some flowers!!
2 May, 2010
Sorry Daylily only just seen this, I usually just give them one good feed in spring, have so many it takes ages, the newly planted ones get a bit more till they're established, lucky enough to have friends with horses so put plenty of well rotted manure in when planting.
Don't water mine at all once established and never had one die, we are on heavy clay soil though so maybe that helps
6 May, 2010
Sure it'll flower for you soon daylily,pretty tough plants, always give mine a spring feed of seaweed fertiliser that increases flowering, wilko's sell bottles of it cheaply, also don't plant too deeply just so the roots are covered as that can also prevent flowering, just tell me if I'm butting in,lol,look forward to seeing yours in flower this summer :-)
30 Apr, 2010