By Wagger

20 Apr, 2010
I haven't been to this corner of the garden for a week and last time I looked properly the buds weren't even showing any colour.
Comments on this photo
Wow that is a gorgeous one.
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks, :-)
21 Apr, 2010
Lovely, a very pretty colour.
21 Apr, 2010
Thanks again, Gee.
21 Apr, 2010
21 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Clarice
21 Apr, 2010
See what they kept in store for you Wagger? How pretty is this.......:~))
30 Apr, 2010
Gardens can always spring surprises, can't they?
30 Apr, 2010
Still got a lot of buds of different shrubs in my garden,can hardly wait for them to all poised with me camera............lolx
30 Apr, 2010
We'll all be waiting...........
30 Apr, 2010
You should have seen me out in my garden last night, trying to take picts of my new garden lighting~it was hysterical to say the least Wagger!! lol :~))
1 May, 2010
Look forward to seeing them, Flori. Shame you didn't have somebody taking pictures of you taking pictures get the idea! lol
1 May, 2010
Don't even go there my friend!!!! I did almost fall into the pond though tee hee hee, on trying to get a close-up. Yes, Wagger, I can hear you snigger from here!! LOL.
1 May, 2010
I bet you can, LOL :-)))))
1 May, 2010
The things I'll do for GoY eh??? :~))
1 May, 2010
The mind boggles!
1 May, 2010
Hey, neat trick! How do you do that then Wagger??? tee hee hee :~))
1 May, 2010
It's a bit like bog snorkelling without the snorkel!
1 May, 2010
Sounds awful muddy to me, but at least your snorkel won't get clogged! LOL :~))
2 May, 2010
2 May, 2010
Pictures by wagger
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Featured on: camellias
This photo is of species camelia.
This photo is of "Camelia " in Wagger's garden
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Stunning Colour Wagger :)
20 Apr, 2010