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winter has returned and the robins aren't happy!


By Lori

winter has returned and the robins aren't happy!

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Poor Robin! : > (

29 Apr, 2010


during the week of relatively warm weather just before this snow...the robins were feasting and gathering nesting material. April usually is a cruel month but she's been unusually unkind this year...especially to nesting birds.

29 Apr, 2010



I hope the weather stabilizes soon...for the sake of the birds and plants! : > )

29 Apr, 2010


I agree! Thanks D1.

30 Apr, 2010



Let us know how every works out with the cold weather.

30 Apr, 2010


the weather carousel has moved again...temps are on an upswing! Last night there was frost but not the minus 4 they were calling for...did my morning rounds early (6:00 a.m.) and everything looks OK. We are supposed to have temps in the 70's today! the robins are checking out the birdbath and all the spots I've been digging for earthworms...I sure hope that that was the last cold we can get on with spring and summer! After years of no robin song...they are back! how wonderful.

30 Apr, 2010



So glad to hear that it didn't get down to the forecasted low temp! It's great to hear all the plants are doing well!

It's been in the 70's here for the last 3 days...however, it still feels cold to me. It hope gets warmer soon! : > )

2 May, 2010


LOL...I'm crowing about 70 degree temps ...finally...and you're saying you're cold with only 70 dgree temps...!!'s all whay you're used to, aye? Hope things improve for us both!

2 May, 2010



The low temps at night have been cooler than normal only around 52 - 56 degrees. Generally by now, the low temps are 60 and high temps 78 degrees pretty consistently...especially the inland areas (where I live). The blustery conditions over the last 4 days haven't helped either! Am I complaining too much? I guess, I'm just spoiled with our beautiful weather most of the year! LOL! : > )

2 May, 2010


ONce again our weather has turned on a dime! It's in the mid 70's this evening. Today it made it into the high 80's! My whole garden is loving it and some perennials are ready to bloom weeks ahead of their normal (?) bloom time... Usually the planting season begins on the 24th May...

3 May, 2010



You stole our inland San Diego weather! LOL!

I'm glad you're getting warm summer-like weather! I'm sure the Robins and the plants are loving that warm weather.
: > )

3 May, 2010


Oh I appreciate it greatly, believe me...but I have to admit to a bit of trepidation. I'm tempted to put the fish and nymphaea in the pond...but I don't think I should gamble on this crazy weather. As much as I love these wonderful days...I just have to harken back to the 24 hours of the 28th April...SNOW.. very sobering. Poor little robins have no choice in the matter ...they have to soldier least there is a lovely crop of big, fat, juicy dew worms in the garden.

3 May, 2010



Can you receive frost or snow in the month of May?

Today it's actually going to be in the low 80's in my area of San Diego. I guess I have nothing to complain about now. lol! : > )

3 May, 2010

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