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Raised bed tyres recycled


By Scotkat

Raised bed tyres recycled

For community garden

Comments on this photo


great idea.

29 Apr, 2010


What are you growing in there Scotkat..?

29 Apr, 2010


One of the other volunteers planted sweetpeas in tyre yesterday Richard.

Will also plant trainling mimulas and a yellow geranium in centre.

There will be tyres in each corner.

Corriander ,salad leaves ,basil in other.

29 Apr, 2010


Brilliant idea........

29 Apr, 2010


It really is Maureen and these tryes wont end up in a landfill.

David if you ever get the chance to visit you must come and see .

29 Apr, 2010


Great idea Scotkat - have you seen them turned inside out too for a different shaped planter?

29 Apr, 2010


No I have not Richard .

Do you have a photo of them inside out.

Be great to see.

30 Apr, 2010


Here is one type ScotKat :-
you will need to paste it in your address bar I think :-)

30 Apr, 2010


Interesting site thanks Richard.

30 Apr, 2010


It is surprising what people make out of old tyres isn't it Scotkat -glad you found it interesting :-)

30 Apr, 2010


Yes thankyou again Richard

30 Apr, 2010


I never tyre of seeing this photo :-)

2 May, 2010


Thankyou and once its well in bloom you will so enjoy Richard.:) Its so cold today.

2 May, 2010


Just a while ago I was reading about growing potatoes that way!

You plant up the first & when the potatoes are 8" high then you put another tyre on top of the first & fill it up with soil again. This method it seems can be done up to 4 tyres high. It seems the plants just keep pushing up to the light but produce potatoes in each new layer!

2 May, 2010


Good idea Balcony. I have the old washing machine on its back in the corner of the garden, and I grow potatoes in there. I can open and close the glass door too depending on the weather outside ! I took the electric motor out of it and will use it in the shed connected to a grindstone for sharpening my chisels!

2 May, 2010


Another set of tyres will be filled this morning Rich shall take more photos.

5 May, 2010


OK Kath I'll take a look at your new pics :-)

5 May, 2010

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