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bird feeder squirrell ate the nuts

bird feeder squirrell ate the nuts

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very unusual

29 Apr, 2010


this is pretty...

29 Apr, 2010


...did he open the bottom to get them out? :o)

29 Apr, 2010


Yes Potty, he did and it has a clip you pull across, even I had to look twice. but now he tips the think upside down before he opens it, therefore they dont go all over the ground, and he puts his paw/hand in and gets them out, mind you he doesnt shut it!!!!!

30 Apr, 2010


You have to admire them, don't you? Frustrating to lose your nuts...LOL....but they are clever the way they work things out.

30 Apr, 2010


Typical!!!!! There clever sods

30 Apr, 2010


I have a feeder like this patriciac...but thankfully no squirrels...:>)

2 May, 2010


i had this feeder and an apple one to but hard to clean i got fed up with them, but they look good

2 May, 2010

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