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Punica granatum - Pomegranate flower and developing fruit

Punica granatum - Pomegranate flower and developing fruit (Punica granatum - Pomegranat)

This pomegranate has many flowers and small developing fruit. Photo taken May 1, 2010 in Balboa Park, CA.

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Are the blooms very large Delonix?

2 May, 2010



Yes, the flowers are fairly long: to 3 - 5 in/ 8 - 13 cm long.

3 May, 2010


ive never seen a pomegranate flower before.......

15 May, 2010


Really interesting to see, lovely picture.

15 May, 2010



I was surprised to hear from Mushybanna that pomegranates weren't grown they are very hardy large shrub. They do need very hot temps to develop fruit though. They are commercially grown in the central valleys of California where the average high temps in summer are 98 degrees F. / 37 degrees C.

16 May, 2010



Thanks! : > )

16 May, 2010

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